Faith or Fear?
As I was sitting at my desk the other day, I found myself staring at one of the pretty crosses on my office wall that read, “We live by faith, not by sight.”
Such a profound truth, right? One that many of us have heard before. But is it how we actually live our lives?
In a conversation with a colleague earlier this week, we talked about the scripture that reads “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” Heb 11:1.
We both were blown away by what these words speak to in our own lives—the vision of an amazing life that we can experience IF we fully embody the truth of those words.
So many of us live lives smaller than we’re meant to or designed for because we do not have faith in who we are and WHOSE we are! And what gets in the way of that? F.E.A.R.
Fear of SO many things:
I’m not good enough
I don’t have what it takes
I can’t make six figures because I’m not smart enough
I can’t travel like the folks I envy do because I am afraid something bad will happen
I won’t go hiking by myself because what if (FILL IN THE BLANKS)
I can’t go to the XYZ event because I’m not successful enough to fit in
And so on and so on
Fear, fear, FEAR! It is NOT our friend.
It constricts our energy. It shuts off creativity. It makes us play small. It holds us down like a bully in a playground.
Not to mention the fact that it is SO ill-informed. Fear only has the past as a reference. It has no idea about what is POSSIBLE… what is AVAILABLE… what is MEANT FOR US… what is OUR NEXT!
(Note to yourself: Decisions made from fear are never wise ones. Unless you are running from a bear!)
Back to the scripture, another version says it this way, “Faith is the assurance that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see exists.”
If FEAR is in our way, guess what? We won’t have that assurance. In ourselves, others, or the God of the Universe. If FEAR is our go-to, we won’t be able to envision a reality that is as beautiful as we long for. Because our survival brain would tell us that we don’t have proof that what we would like to be is possible. So the desire, hope, and dream won’t manifest.
If our fear could see past its limited view, it would lose all its power because it would be instantly defeated by the view of all the resources, people, opportunities, and answers that surround it.
It would be silenced by Truth.
Let me share a story.
Last August I was appointed as one of the EIR mentors at The Maryland Innovation Center—a wish/desire I’d had for nine months. Because I just KNEW I was made for that type of position and it aligned with all my gifts, talents, and mission.
But I had NO idea how to make it happen. There was no formula, process, or playbook, to be elected as an EIR. No way to prove I would get the gig. So, I took the advice of a dear friend who said to me, “Natalie just keep showing up and engaging with us. You never know.”
And that’s exactly what I did. I showed up, took classes, participated in the events, and even started doing my own collaboration with them.
I also had faith that it would come to be if it truly was meant for me. I BELIEVED it was possible if it was divinely aligned. And it happened!! It became the reality!
As I was reflecting on all my blessings in 2023, (this being one of them), it made me think of all the times I had waited until I had PROOF that something would come to me—a dream, hope, or desire. And until I had the proof, I didn’t take any aligned action.
If that is how I had responded to the mentorship desire, guess what? It wouldn’t have happened. At ALL. Because my internal fears of not being qualified or good enough (or whatever) would have silenced the truth of what was possible for me.
Are you tracking with me ?
I was reminded once again, that waiting until something feels easy or comfortable or waiting until the fear and self-doubt go away, often results in a life with a LOT of inaction and a heap of unfulfilled dreams.
Without the fear of (you name it), WHO could you become? What would you do differently?
As purpose-driven women who are heart-centered and desire to be impactful, life constantly challenges us to expand who we are, how we do what we do, and the impact we can make.
When we break free from the conditioning, limiting beliefs, and scarcity mindsets, and do what seems “impossible,” we break through ceilings and show everyone what can actually be done.
This is how an empowered woman moves through the world! She ignores the naysayers and the critics, believes in her own power, invests in herself at high levels, and believes in the support and love she knows surrounds her.
My life is an excellent example of achieving so many incredible things against ALL odds! I am taking the personal power I have often found within myself and harnessing it to guide, empower, and fuel others in the spaces I exist in. Those who are ready and willing to receive the gifts, expertise, wisdom and knowledge I have to offer them.
My dear friend. What decision have you been putting off that you know you need to make but are letting fear win?
How can you detach yourself from the worry, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or people-pleasing to set yourself FREE for this year?
If a lack of clarity is holding you back, if you feel out of touch with who you are or what you are meant to do NEXT, or if you simply want to be more FULLY EXPRESSED, ALIVE and COURAGOUS this year, I can absolutely help you!
If you’ve been keeping up with blog, you know I have a few offers right now that can serve and support you.
First, my Unveil Your Brilliance one-on-one program is GOLD-- for the right aligned women. If you’re looking for transformation, leveling up, challenge, support, guidance, and accountability, then this is your potential YES offer.
Read what some of my clients have said about how their lives transformed after investing in themselves this way.
If you’re looking for connection, knowledge, resources, accountability, and group coaching in a community of like-minded women, my virtual Savvy Sisterhood Program with Keshawn Hughes may be perfect for you. Learn more and register HERE.
If you’re not in a place to say yes to either of these, that's ok! I hope you at least took away some nuggets just from reading this message today.
If you know another woman who needs this type of support, I hope you DO take action and share this information with her! Because what if you are a stepping-stone for HER to begin to bask in HER brilliance?
Thank you in advance!
As your takeaway for the week, I encourage you to strengthen your faith by walking IN it, and not by what your earthly eyes can see.
To your continued unveiling, my dear!
The Brilliance Unveiler
As "The Brilliance Unveiler," Natalie Jobity leverages more than fifteen years of experience empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and now as a leadership elevation coach & personal brand strategist of The Unveiled Way. She empowers heart-centered, high-achieving women seeking to make their divinely designed impact, to operate in their brilliance so they are positioned to lead authentically and unapologetically in their arena.
Natalie Jobity is an ICF-certified coach, bestselling author, mentor, speaker, and facilitator who recently published her second book titled, It’s Your Time to Shine, Girl: Own Your Brilliance, Step into Your Influence, and Lead Like a Trailblazer. This leadership development and empowerment book and her She Shines Affirmation card deck, will inspire women the world over to step into their purpose, and also give them the tips, tools, and techniques needed to succeed and thrive as a woman of influence.
Visit Natalie’s website to learn more about how she partners with purpose-driven women to propel them forward so their impact and influence increase. Discover your leadership posture and style by taking Natalie’s popular assessment, LeadHer Way Brand Identity Assessment.