Intuition: Do You Trust Yours?
If you're new to my Unveiling community, welcome!
I'm going to get right into my message for you this week.
Do you trust your intuition? Or do you dismiss or deny it because you don't like what it is telling you?
One of the things I am committed to is supporting women as they learn to honor and trust their intuition over their logic.
I’ve learned along the way to lean into that inner guidance (or Holy Spirit nudging as I call it) and to hear the way it communicates to me, and it has made a huge difference in how I make decisions or perceive situations.
Sometimes the voice comes as a vision of something that I know I could not come into on my own. Or it’s a strong feeling in my heart or gut—a knowing about something or someone that I cannot deny. Or a strong pull to take an action toward something that to my brain seems ludicrous. Sometimes it’s the understanding I get when I’m able to quickly connect patterns, which leads to an even greater insight.
One of my former clients has the gift of intuitive foresight, and I was reading a message she shared with me over a year ago. I couldn’t believe how she foresaw my gifts.
This was her message: “The work you do is not “visible” immediately. But it is seen, heard and felt in how people change. Your work is not tangible, it’s transformational and yet it is still hard for people to see it all. That is not an easy charge to take on Natalie. It’s like God said, do this “brilliance unveiling”, and you will have to work through people not understanding what it is or what you do, and you will have to work against SO many societal standards about how you work. You will have to work against people’s judgments and critiques about what you do, and that will put doubt in you and fears. But in spite of ALL OF THAT, you still answer that call to “unveil” people’s brilliance.”
Wow! She pretty much nailed it! This is my experience. It’s hard to describe what happens in the containers I hold with my clients, but one thing is for certain—you will not leave the same!
If you’re looking to cultivate a new leadership posture that helps you to show up on a whole new vibrational, physical, visual, and mental level, my Unveil Your Brilliance program will give you that and so much more!
I stand here in the truth of what I’m called to do, knowing I’m a vessel for God’s amazing glory to shine through. And the road can be tough at times, but I can think of no other alternative. Because I’m here to complete my divine assignment.
The more I play in this playground of going with the flow of what my heart knows, the more I am aware that most people struggle to hear their intuition, or inner knowing, and to discern that from the fear-based messages that tell them not to move forward and to play it safe.
This can be especially tricky when we have an awareness that the path to changing our lives is on the other side of where we’re stuck or may have limited ourselves.
Deep down we may know that our next level of possibility will require us to step outside our safe comfort zone and this is very scary. This is what makes us self-sabotage, without us realizing that is what is what we’re doing. Especially if we are relying on ourselves to get the outcomes we want.
Tough stuff!
I’ve been there too, and sometimes still end up there.
But imagine how different life could be if we really lived what we believed—what we know in our heart is true?
What if we trusted our inner knowing and operated from a state of grace, rather than the frantic pace like we’re running a race?
What if, instead of trying to make it happen, we lived as if God was in the driver’s seat of our lives?
What if, instead of overworking, hustling, bustling, and grinding, we savored pausing, resting, and playing?
A whole new way of being, right? Which means entirely new outcomes in our lives as well. Aren’t you curious what that would look like?
I am.
Part of how I support clients with my Unveil Your Brilliance Signature program is leveraging my intuitive gifts to help them “see” with a clarity and conviction they may not have experienced before.
The more I lean into my innate gifts and honor and value them for what they are—the more I’m operating in my brilliance and making my impact.
I want the same for you!
Do you want to continue into 2024 more powerfully and purposefully? Schedule time to chat with me to explore whether we’re an aligned fit.
In the meantime, here’s to your brilliance!
The Brilliance Unveiler
As "The Brilliance Unveiler," Natalie Jobity leverages more than fifteen years of experience empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and now as a leadership elevation coach & personal brand strategist of The Unveiled Way. She empowers heart-centered, high-achieving women seeking to make their divinely designed impact, to operate in their brilliance so they are positioned to lead authentically and unapologetically in their arena.
Natalie Jobity is an ICF-certified coach, bestselling author, mentor, speaker, and facilitator who recently published her second book titled, It’s Your Time to Shine, Girl: Own Your Brilliance, Step into Your Influence, and Lead Like a Trailblazer. This leadership development and empowerment book and her She Shines Affirmation card deck, will inspire women the world over to step into their purpose, and also give them the tips, tools, and techniques needed to succeed and thrive as a woman of influence.
Visit Natalie’s website to learn more about how she partners with purpose-driven women to propel them forward so their impact and influence increase. Discover your leadership posture and style by taking Natalie’s popular assessment, LeadHer Way Brand Identity Assessment.