Polish Your Shine Girl!
Today I’m sharing with you a recent experience I had meeting a friend for brunch recently, and how much it conveyed the importance of polishing our inner shine.
I had not seen *Nicole (not her name) in a while. From the moment we met, I noticed that she looked more alive, more vibrant, and more animated. I was so happy to see her like this because I always felt she was one of those women who was playing WAY small in life. I had tried to communicate that sentiment before, but she would always shrug it off.
Almost immediately she started talking about how she’d read my book, It’s Your Time to Shine Girl. Her words blew me away.
Looking me dead in the eyes Nicole said in effect, “Natalie, your book is like medicine I didn’t even know I needed. From the scripture verse on the first page, I was so strongly convicted, it was like your words were speaking directly to the deepest crevices of my heart!”
All I could say was, “wow!” as she continued to express how reading It’s Your Time to Shine Girl has propelled her forward in life in ways she could never have imagined.
Nicole shared that she is so much more present to people, and to life, and that she is excited about figuring out her purpose because for the first time she could admit that the job she’s had for the past fifteen years was not deserving of her gifts and talents.
“I don’t need that job, Natalie. I’ve just been coasting. I know my purpose is to help women find their way back to themselves. THAT is what I need to build moving forward.”
The book was so transformative to Nicole that she pointed to the bright silver star pin she was wearing on her dress and said, “Natalie, I bought this pin to remind me that I have to shine all the time!”
My mouth dropped in awe. Wow, wow, wow!
I wrote the book with the intention of impacting lives, but I could never have imagined an impact so powerful and fast. It made me see how God uses our gifts to fulfill His purposes in our lives. My words hit her spirit in exactly the way SHE needed.
My friend told me that she could see how clearly that she has been hiding ALL her life. Playing small shrinking, clamming up, and deferring to others because she never felt worthy. For the past five years she has been on a journey of self-discovery that I was aware of. But she needed a push, and it’s like my book did that for her.
Everyone who reads my book will have their own revelation. My job was to write the book and be transparent about my journey to finding my brilliance. The outcomes are up to each person and how they use the messages and guidance within.
My why is about impact. And seeing the renewed radiance in my friend and hearing her profound words validates for me that I’m SO on my purpose path.
This book is a gift that the women in your lives may not know they need, but once they read it, their truth will be unveiled. It is a gift to you too, wherever you are in your “Shine” journey.
It’s Your Time to Shine Girl is just a taste of the transformative work I do with the women I partner with. When I unveil brilliance, I help you get clarity about the Truth of your purpose and work with you to map out a strategy for how you get there.
We work on how “Brilliant You” shows up, and the posture, perspective, and presence of your leadership brand. Along the way, there are road bumps like limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, and life challenges that will need to be addressed. But the goal is for you to FULLY claim your brilliance and walk confidently and solidly in it so your light shines brightly in your arena.
The only caveat is your readiness for change and transformation because this is what this work is about. People only take the steps towards change when they've made up their minds that they truly desire change. I can’t help you if you are not willing and ready for help.
Tony Robbins said, "Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change."
If you're stuck or frustrated in your work and career, decide what it's costing you to keep up your status quo. Decide whether it's time for you to get out of what is safe, comfortable, or familiar, and step into your true power. In other words, are you truly ready to shine?
If you're ready for your leveling up and transformation let's chat.
As "The Brilliance Unveiler," Natalie Jobity leverages more than a decade of experience empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and now as a leadership coach & personal brand strategist of The Unveiled Way. She works with trailblazing women to empower them to unveil their brilliance and maximize their impact so they lead unapologetically in their arena.
Natalie’s second book titled, It’s Your Time to Shine, Girl: Own Your Brilliance, Step into Your Influence, and Lead Like a Trailblazer, is a leadership and empowerment book that will not only inspire women the world over to step into their purpose, but also give them the tips, tools, and techniques needed to succeed and thrive as a woman of influence.
Discover your leadership brand by taking Natalie’s five-minute assessment, What Is Your Leadership Brand.