Leadership Elevation Strategist and Executive Coach for High Achieving Women Seeking Impact

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More Strategies For Managing Imposter Syndrome in Your Career

Last week in Part 1 of this post, I talked about imposter syndrome, what it is, why some women are more prone to it, and how it held me back in my career until I was able to tackle my feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy head-on. I also shared three strategies that helped me and others get past its career-limiting impacts. In Part 2, I will share a few more strategies so you can succeed but first, I want to help you understand if you too are battling a bout of imposter syndrome.

This business insider article has a checklist of warning signs to tell if you’re being hijacked by imposter syndrome:

  • You’re unable to internalize your achievements and downplay your accomplishments

  • You fear being "found out" or being exposed as inexperienced or untalented

  • You avoid feedback

  • You’re reluctant to ask for help

  • You turn down new opportunities

  • You second-guess your decisions

  • You’re overworked to the point of burnout because you need to prove you're "enough"

  • You fail to start or finish projects

  • You set very challenging goals and feeling disappointed when you fall short

I believe it’s important to take away the stigma, misperceptions, and lack of knowledge around imposter syndrome, so we as women can address it. Make no mistake, the doubt, insecurity, and stress from imposter syndrome can thwart your career trajectory because they prevent you from seeking out leadership positions that have more visibility and influence.  Harnessing the power of these strategies can help you claim your power back and take control of your career success. Here are a few more strategies to help you.  

  1. Savor your successes and celebrate your wins. All too often, ambitious women blow past their wins and milestone accomplishments without a thought and move onto the next challenge. You must take time to savor your success. This is such a challenge for high-achieving women that I wrote two blog posts about celebrating your wins part 1 and part 2.

    When you celebrate and acknowledge your successes you can leverage the confidence and fulfillment you feel to encourage even greater confidence and assurance in your abilities. Imposter syndrome has to back down in the face of confidence, pride, and gratification that comes when you do well.


  2. Stop comparing yourself to others. When you compare yourself with another you will always come up short (in your mind) and just fuel that imposter syndrome energy. You are unique and amazing when you stay in your lane and focus on the traits and skills that you bring to the arena. Consciously fight the tendency to compare and measure yourself against others. Trust me, it is a waste of your valuable time and energy.  


  3. Act As If. As silly as it sounds, sometimes to get past our mental barriers and blocks we need to act as if what we desire is true. I wrote a blog post recently dedicated to underscoring how powerful the technique known as Acting as If works. Essentially, when you start acting “As If” you feel confident, you’ll soon begin projecting that confidence until you believe it’s true.

While there is no perfect hack to rid you of imposter syndrome indefinitely, practicing these tactics will help you manage your bouts with anxiety, self-doubt, lack of confidence, and insecurity that imposter syndrome fosters.