Leadership Elevation Strategist and Executive Coach for High Achieving Women Seeking Impact

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The Beauty of Savoring Your Successes

I recently I took part in a two-day intensive training course led by trainer Joanna Lindenbaum grounded in understanding the natural cycles of life, and how we can best honor and lean into the different phases in our lives.

One of the biggest takeaways was understanding how I never celebrated and embraced all I accomplished when I built my image consulting company Elan Image Management.

With Elan Image Management I built a successful business and brand from scratch. I had no road map, model, or mentors yet I accomplished in a few years what should have taken many more.

I *should* have been celebrating the gains as I went along. I should have been awed and humbled at the doors God opened for me and the impact I had upon hundreds of women from my transformative work with them.

Yet upon reflection during the training last week, it hit me like a ton of bricks that I never truly harvested what I’d sown. I did like many high-achievers are prone to do—I created, built, wrote, innovated, without taking time to savor what I was accomplishing.

All those years of building, creating, and transforming lives one wardrobe at a time never registered in my mind when it was time for the business to end. What registered at the end was just the grief from the ending and that sense of failure that I carried with me for YEARS!

But this is not just true for me. Our society and culture have placed so much emphasis on creating and producing that we have lost the art of receiving and harvesting.

But it’s never too late to harvest. Where in your life RIGHT NOW do you need to take time to celebrate, reflect or be grateful? Where in your life are you in an Autumn season which requires these things of you?

One of my homework assignments was to sit and write out all the things I accomplished as the founder of Elan Image Management and celebrate them. When I did the exercise, I wrote three pages of bullets—all wins/achievements/successes/accomplishments. My jaw dropped as I took it all in—it was a lot.

Sharing my story with this post is one of the ways I’m harvesting/celebrating my past work!

My invitation to you is to do a similar homework. Take a moment to internalize and integrate ALL that you’ve gotten done and how you’ve grown to get you to the present moment.

Because you’re amazing and you should experience all the joy and pleasure in all you’ve created and have been given by God’s grace.