Leadership Elevation Strategist and Executive Coach for High Achieving Women Seeking Impact

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What Does Your Hair Have to Do With Your Impact?

Recently I was marveling at my girlfriend’s new hairstyle who’s now rocking dreads and she was sharing how much she loved it too. “My outside finally matches my insides,” she said. I stared at her saying, “OMG K, that’s SO deep. I totally get what you mean, girl!”

And I truly do. After not wearing braids for 20 years, and cornrows for a whole lot longer, since my summer vacation back home, I’ve been sporting braided cornrows and it’s like I can’t stop.

I didn’t expect to like it this much. I didn’t expect to feel SO much more like myself with my hair styled this way. I didn’t expect to know that this is how I’m meant to show up in this season of my life.

On social media platforms including LinkedIn, Black women are coming out of hiding flaunting styles like braids, dreads, and fros, that are “supposedly” counter to professional “norms” (whatever that even means!) We are posting images of ourselves in these styles proudly displaying our beauty AND professionalism, embodying images of ourselves our souls have LONGED to experience.

When my friend said her outsides now match her insides, something clicked for me. Who I show up now as and how I do so is the most authentic version of myself I have EVER embodied.

This is SO much more than just about hair. It’s about our Who.

It made me think of my work as a Brilliance Unveiler.

In helping women unveil their brilliance, the core transformation is that their outer shine more authentically and powerfully matches their inner one. And THAT is why it’s SO game-changing!!

When your Who is clear inside and out, this is how your impact becomes potent, powerful, and purposeful.

This is when the work you do matters, is transformational, is effective, is legacy-making, sister.

Does this resonate?

What incremental shifts can you make to align your inner and outer selves so your full brilliance radiates outward?

What modes of thinking and ways of being no longer feel aligned for you and your values?

I’d love to help you unpack all of that and more as YOUR Brilliance Unveiler. You’ll experience leadership and career coaching, personal branding work, strengths championing and a WHOLE lot more.

My approach is intuitive, customized, and non-cookie cutter so you get what YOU need to make your impact undeniable and depending on YOUR vision for your career or business.

Let’s chat https://www.theunveiledway.com/ to figure out if our partnership can bring you the fulfillment, freedom, and flourishing in your work you’ve been longing for.