A Window into Transformational Leadership
As a recovering high achiever, I’ve learned to dial down aspects of myself that cause me to overachieve and overdo. It is a default mode of being for me. I can be relentless and stubborn about trying to achieve a certain goal or result.
But over time, I’ve seen how that way of being mostly hurts me. Sure, I have no issues with getting stuff accomplished (it IS a strength) but the cost to me is too high if I go about it grinding and hustling all the way.
This understanding helps me bring a better version of myself to my work and life. It’s still a growth edge but one that I will strengthen the more I do the work.
Understanding how we show up with the greatest ease and power is a gift that keeps on giving.
There is a shadow side to every strength we possess, and we can lean more into that than the blessing if we’re not self-aware.
In addition, many of us aren’t aware of how default modes of being may hurt rather than help us. This is part of the powerful work I do with clients in my Unveil Your Brilliance signature program.
One of my clients had been battling with operating from a scarcity mindset. As an entrepreneur, this default mode of being had her playing way small. The fees she charged her corporate clients did not reflect the value she brought. She was scared to lose her contracts with her clients so she would overgive and overdo to keep them happy.
They were happy all right—they were getting her genius, gifts, and goodness for a fraction of their value! But she would be miserable to the point where she would get so exhausted, she’d make drastic changes to her life every few years to “start over.” Every time she abandoned what she had been building in her business to begin again, she’d lose ground, halt her momentum, bury seeds she’d planted, and diminish her impact.
But as with most times in life when we need to make a shift, this way of operating was simply not sustainable, (which is one of the reasons why she sought my help in the first place). She had to change, evolve, and become the version of herself that could harvest what she’d sown, stay the course, be that leader and game-changer she was designed to be.
She had to commit to doing work that would unveil for her the blocks and obstacles that impeded her growth and snuffed her potential.
Because she was tired of operating in a mode that no longer served her (and perhaps never did). As she leaned more into an expansive way of being that left her feeling empowered, fulfilled, confident, courageous, and centered, her choices, responses, decisions, and interactions changed for the better. Because SHE had changed. She had transformed into the woman she needed to become to make a greater impact!
Is this you? Aren’t you tired of staying stuck in a status quo mode that leaves you wanting more for yourself, your life, your legacy?
If your significance and impact truly matter to you, what choices are you willing to make to get there sooner than later? How many more days, months, or years are you willing to let pass you by, with things being the same…with that same dull ache in your soul and spirit because you know you’re meant for more.
Perhaps you’ve followed a prescribed path but discovered that it is not your legacy-making one and you need clarity to figure out YOUR path.
Maybe you’re successful, very successful, but you’ve outgrown the success you have now. It is no longer exciting, energizing, or engaging.
In your status quo comfort zone, you’re restless, antsy, bored, and languishing. You’re just not satisfied.
I have been gifted with spotting potential and purpose pretty quickly. In fact, for many of my first clients, the first couple of sessions lead to such significant breakthroughs, it feels as if we’ve worked together for months!
In fact, this is a recommendation I received last year: "Natalie is good at her craft, she can see what is missing in your business and guide you on a path to success in a very short time. Just a conversation with her will change your life.”
Clarity is game changing and can be life-changing. This quote, "In the absence of clarity, busy feels good," is a #realtalk truth many of us don’t realize.
If you’re looking for clarity, reach out to me, and schedule a discovery session where we’ll explore if working together is an aligned fit.
To your success!
Natalie Jobity is a Transformational Leadership Coach, Personal Brand Strategist, Author, and Speaker. She integrates her 25 years of marketing, image consulting, entrepreneurship and coaching expertise with her strategic prowess, creative ingenuity, and her innate ability to spot potential to help women rise to their highest leadership echelons as the “Brilliance Unveiler.”
Natalie’s second book titled, It’s Your Time to Shine, Girl: Own Your Brilliance, Step into Your Influence, and Lead Like a Trailblazer, is a leadership development and empowerment book that will not only inspire women the world over to step into their purpose, but also give them the tips, tools, and techniques needed to succeed and thrive as a woman of influence.