The Unveiled Way Blog

The Unveiled Way Blog equips purpose-driven women with the inspiration, encouragement, strategy & resources to unveil their brilliance so they positively impact the lives of those they serve, lead, guide, or influence in their careers, businesses, ministries, or non-profits.

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Abound in your brilliance!

High Achievers, Impact Natalie Jobity High Achievers, Impact Natalie Jobity

High Achiever: Don’t Hijack Your Impact by Overperforming

Many high-achieving women miss their mark because they are so focused on their Do that they do not mind their Who. They think by doing and accumulating more achievements that they’re operating in their full brilliance but they’re not because they can’t fully tap into it because they haven’t learned to savor, to pause, to integrate what they’re getting done. There is a better, more spirit-led way

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