Clarity for Your Calling
Last week I had an interview with Nadine Mullings for a “Power of Your Voice” speaker series she will be launching soon on a topic I’m very passionate about, “Clarity for Your Calling.” I shared key insights about calling, how I got that clarity in my life, and my advice for women seeking this clarity (be sure to stay tuned for when you can watch it later next month!).
If you’re reading this note, hopefully, you’ve had the opportunity to download my “Clarity For Your Calling” guide, and have started on your journey to discovering how God has uniquely shaped and called you. If not, I can’t emphasize how important it is to do this introspective work to get focused on fulfilling your purpose. You can download the guide via this link.
If you can’t tell by now, calling has huge significance for me personally. I always had the sense that I was made for a very specific purpose but it is only in the past decade of my life that I’ve truly explored what that looks like for me. The work I’m doing now with The Unveiled Way gets at the heart of my Why which is empowering women to use their gifts, talents, and expertise—their brilliance—in their sphere of professional influence. You can read more about that journey in the “Cliff Notes” version housed on my Meet Natalie page on my website.
But here’s the thing. Even though we each have a unique calling most women never live it out. There are many reasons for this. That pesky imposter could be one. But it also could simply be because we don’t know the things we’re good at. In other words, we don’t know our unique superpower!
In his amazing book, The Call, Os Guinness gets to the heart of calling in this context with these words,
“A sense of calling should precede a choice of job or career, and the main way to discover calling is along the line of what we are each created and gifted to be. Instead of, ‘You are what you do,’ calling says, ‘Do what you are.’’
Do you know what you are? Do you have clarity around your unique design, God’s design for you? While a privileged few know their call at a young age, most of us will fumble with this. This is a necessary part of the journey, which is why in my “Clarity for Your Calling” guide, I include so many reflective questions. Often, a clear sense of one’s calling only comes with experience, trial, error, success, or failure and gaining insight by looking backward reflectively at our life.
Guinness further explains that our call starts with a singling out,
“We are called by name—and it continues by ‘standing us up.’ As we respond to the call of our Creator, we rise to our feet, not only physically but also in every sense of the word, to be the people he alone knows we are capable of being…God’s call resonates in us at depths no other call can reach and draws us on and out and up to heights no other call can scale or see.” (italics mine).
This awareness fills me with what I can only describe as humble awe.
Do you know what you are called to do in this world, among the people you are purposed to impact?
In my “Clarity for Your Calling” guide, I highlight three pillars, your strengths, passions, and values, that together intersect at a point that is the key to unlocking your unique purpose.
The guide goes into detail on how to uncover where you stack up against these pillars, and what your nexus point reveals about your calling.
From my work coaching clients around these pillars, I know just tackling one takes commitment. But the rewards are so worth it. Because what you don’t know until you undertake this work, is the freedom, fulfillment, and joy that come when you design your life’s work and purpose in service of your calling.
The logo of The Unveiled Way speaks to those gifts that emerge from operating in your brilliance so fully that others see your amazing light and are inspired by your shine. For the Christians among us, that shine is just a tiny glimpse of God’s unfathomable glory!
This work is deep y’all and absolutely purposeful.
I’d love to partner with you on this journey to unveil your brilliance. All you have to do to start is to schedule a complimentary 40-minute discovery session with me.
In the meantime, abound in your brilliance, friend!
Natalie Jobity, MPhil, MBA, ACC, founder of The Unveiled Way, is a leadership and career coach, consultant, brand strategist, bestselling author, mentor, speaker, and facilitator who has earned a reputation as "The Brilliance Unveiler." She empowers female leaders to live in the fullness of their purpose and unveil their brilliance by leveraging the power of their strengths, expertise, and distinctiveness, so they make transformative impact in their sphere of influence.
Visit Natalie’s website to learn more about how she partners with leaders with her signature “Unveil Your Brilliance” program and her "Brand Your Biz Like a Boss" consulting service. While you’re there, join her Unveiled community and pick up your complimentary copy of her "Empowered to Lead: Seven Strategies to Help You Become a More Impactful Leader" guide.