Design Your Resume To Showcase Your Brilliance
The Great Resignation and Covid-19 have upended how we do everything. Now is your time to engage your brilliance and discover the satisfaction and fulfillment that comes with aligning your career with your gifts and expertise. Women are leaving their jobs in droves. Entrepreneurship is on the rise. Freelance consulting is a new normal.
Like many of my clients, it may be time for you to rethink your unique value proposition and ensure your resume speaks to the truth of your brilliance!
This is where my Resume Rebrand service comes in. This is for you if:
You’re at a career crossroads
Your resume is needed for more than just applying for a job
You need a way to highlight your brilliance and unique value proposition
You want to showcase YOU and not your job titles
You want to change the narrative of what makes you qualified in your arena
You want a personal branding tool to leverage as a leader, consultant, entrepreneur, creative, or influencer
You're an innovator, disrupter, a "color outside the liner"
There are gaps or perceived inconsistencies in your work history
We're not just employees. We're personal brands. This Resume Rebrand helps you to showcase your unique brilliance. This IS the service you want to leverage to document your skills, strengths, and superpowers.
Why is this important? I have worked and interacted with professionals who are not walking in their full gifting. They minimize their accomplishments, shrink back from commanding positions of visibility, are unaware of the true value they have added to their current organization, company, or institution, and resign themselves to positions that do not inspire, challenge or energize them. They think that’s just the way it is.
It just simply isn’t true. We are all born with unique gifts and have experiences that are tremendously valuable—if only we dare own and market them accordingly. You can strategically pursue your unique calling with your qualifications, talents, passions, and expertise and get that career, position, or role you desire. My vision for you is that your skills, experience, ideas, and strengths are communicated authentically, powerfully, and persuasively.
My Resume Rebrand Service:
Is anchored in your signature strengths
Does not follow the typical chronological format
Allows you to decide what you want to highlight in your experience
Is based on focused coaching we will do together to get at the heart of your brilliance
Unearths the strengths you have buried, the expertise you’ve downplayed, and the passions you have ignored to craft a stellar unique value proposition
Re-crafts your resume so it positions and promotes your unique brand identity and the value you bring to an enterprise
Harnesses the power of your brand equity to broaden your career opportunities
Refines your professional image to help you communicate your brilliance and articulate your value
Helps you identify your career, brand, and business blind spots
My Why is helping high-achieving women like you unveil your gifts and talents so you own your brilliance, play bigger, and have a ripple-making impact in your leadership. I know you are exceptional at what you do. And I know you want to present the most excellent version of yourself to prospective employers, boards, organizations, and institutions.
If you’re looking to move up the ranks, change roles, launch a new venture, or are in the midst of determining your next steps professionally, let’s talk!
Natalie Jobity is an ICF-certified leadership and career transitions coach, consultant, bestselling author, mentor, speaker, and facilitator who has earned a reputation as "The Brilliance Unveiler." She leverages more than a decade empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and as a leadership and career coach of The Unveiled Way. She helps high-achieving women at career crossroads who struggle with self-doubt or limiting beliefs stand confidently in their brilliance, see possibilities in their purpose, and have ripple-making impact in their leadership.
Visit Natalie’s website to learn more about how she partners with leaders and high-achieving women with her signature “Unveil Your Brilliance” program which helps propel them forward so their impact and influence increases.