Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Make You Doubt Your Mastery
When I’m passionate about something I go all in, as has been the case writing my second book, It’s Your Time to Shine Girl.
But sometimes my perfectionistic shadow self tells me that must mean what I do must be epic! It’s got to be the most amazing creation under the sun. This ties right into a long-held belief I have that I need to impress folks, add value, and be phenomenal. That puts SO much pressure on me.
Because those thoughts spiral into the doubts I have about if what I create doesn’t knock the socks off folks every time, that the work/project/creation isn’t valuable at all.
Let me be clear: that is a big fat lie! It’s just a narrative that pops up in my head from old mindsets when the stakes of success are high.
Trust and believe I have done TONS of work around my imposter syndrome and perfectionism. But that doesn’t mean I’m immune from them—especially in bold, vulnerable endeavors like publishing a book.
I literally have to talk myself down that perfection myth ledge (sometimes audibly) because (as I share in my book) it’s the enemy of good enough. Perfectionism is the enemy of any bold, risky, innovative thing we may ever want to do. That’s why we must shut down those lies and embrace the truth of our brilliance, however magnificently that shows up in each situation.
The inner work I’ve done in these areas is what has helped me move forward in so many ways—it’s given me the courage to build yet another business, publish yet another book, be bold in my marketing and messaging, and be visible in vulnerable, transparent ways.
The work I do, the work you do, isn’t about impressing folks (even though because of our passion and mastery we do often impress them!). It’s about the gratification, joy, and fulfillment of doing magnificent work that impacts those in our sphere.
It’s about how we transform lives, improve processes, innovate new things, and build products and services that meet the needs of people. It’s about our impact on our people, right?
Walk out the belief that you can feel the fear and still do IT anyway, whatever your “it” is.
If you’d like to step more deeply into your own mastery and unveil and own your amazing brilliance, let’s chat.
As "The Brilliance Unveiler," Natalie Jobity leverages more than a decade of experience empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and now as a leadership and career coach of The Unveiled Way. She works with high-achieving women at career crossroads to unveil their brilliance, so they're empowered to be unstoppable leaders of change with ripple-making impact in their arena.
Natalie’s second book titled, It’s Your Time to Shine, Girl: Own Your Brilliance, Step into Your Influence, and Lead Like a Trailblazer, will be published in the Fall of 2022. This leadership and empowerment book will not only inspire women the world over to step into their purpose, but also give them the tips, tools, and techniques needed to succeed and thrive as a woman of influence. Discover your leadership brand by taking Natalie’s five-minute assessment, What Is Your Leadership Brand.