The Importance of Embracing & Embodying Your “Who”
For us to feel fully whole and complete, and to access all of our brilliance, we MUST be willing to look at, embrace, and love our WHOLE self.
As one of my mentors Joanna Lindenbaum wrote in a recent post, "Not just the pretty parts. Not just the shiny parts. Not just the “acceptable” parts. ALL parts."
So many of us go through our life "faceting," people pleasing, or compartmentalizing ourselves so folks only get to see aspects of us—the shiny bits. But when we don't bring our full selves to the front, we too, only see ourselves as facets, and not as the complete phenomenal kick butt woman we are.
We can't just accept what we believe to be the “acceptable” parts.
Because when we reject the “not-so-shiny” parts of ourselves, we clamp down on truths about ourselves that need to see the light of day, truths that once unveiled and worked through can allow us to operate from our FULL capacity and serve our people with excellence.
When we don’t embrace or embody the whole truth of who we are, we often don't feel truly WHOLE, fully seen, genuinely known.
Because of this, so many women engage in self sabotaging behavior that makes them susceptible to playing small, harboring resentment and jealousy, and going through cycles of self-doubt and low confidence.
It’s why in my Unveil Your Brilliance signature program, my three-pillar framework is your Who>Do>Woo. You can read about it here. That “Who” work is the foundational work and honestly often the most transformational. The “Who” work has to do with uncovering where our identity lies and if it’s in alignment with our assignment. When it’s out of alignment, we miss the mark, we don’t operate in our brilliance, we fall short of our potential.
But when our identity is anchored fully in Truth, we are operating from an entirely different playbook—one that enables us complete our God-ordained assignment with an ease and freedom that is on a whole other level.
We all have “Who” work to do—because there are so many layers to it—it never ends, really.
I devote a couple of chapters on these playing-small-and-dimming-their-light tendencies women default to, in my new book, It's Your Time to Shine Girl because they are so prevalent and because they limit or diminish the impact and influence we can leverage.
If only we just innately believed in our brilliance.
If only we could leverage and channel our inner Queen energy, which as women, we all have.
For you to embrace your inner Queen, (yes, her!) you must accept all of yourself.
Stepping into your inner Queen, into your full power and potential, is game-changing. It impacts how you show up in the world, your willingness to be visible for your gifts and work, your ability to love and own every single part of yourself.
What do YOU need to accept and embrace about yourself to embody your FULL Queen energy?
As "The Brilliance Unveiler," Natalie Jobity leverages more than a decade of experience empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and now as a leadership and career coach of The Unveiled Way. She works with high-achieving women at career crossroads to unveil their brilliance, so they're empowered to be unstoppable leaders of change with ripple-making impact in their arena.
Natalie’s second book titled, It’s Your Time to Shine, Girl: Own Your Brilliance, Step into Your Influence, and Lead Like a Trailblazer, will be published in the Fall of 2022. Visit the book’s page for more information. This leadership and empowerment book will not only inspire women the world over to step into their purpose, but also give them the tips, tools, and techniques needed to succeed and thrive as a woman of influence. Discover your leadership brand by taking Natalie’s five-minute assessment, What Is Your Leadership Brand.