To Get to Your Do You Must Work on Your Who

You're a high-achieving woman and you want stuff to happen, NOW. You want to get to the steps so you can take the actions and get busy with your Do.

I get it! We want to rush through because we can't wait to see our dreams come to be. We believe if we go faster and push harder that will make it happen.

But that is not how this stuff works.

So often I encounter women wanting to get the results but not wanting to put in the TRUE work required to get it.

They think that the change they want will come from all the planning, strategizing, getting certain info, etc.

While these things are absolutely important, I've found that they won't help my clients achieve their goals unless they do the deeper work needed to shift their mindset first. Things like opening up their thinking to new possibilities., reframing the way they see their reality, addressing their limiting beliefs, embodying the posture and heart of who they are truly becoming.

The truth is that most change is an inner game—it's the Work on the Who.

Most of us must work on the Who before the Do.

The Do will only come to fruition when the client is ready and available for the new version of themselves they need to be to achieve their Do. That Do can look like finding another job, getting a promotion, launching a new business, writing a book, building a platform, or scaling up in whatever role they're currently in. The Do is the thing your heart may know it's meant to do, but the why, how, and what aren't fleshed out yet.

If you try to move too fast to hit the milestones required to get to the Do, you're going to miss out on your true impact or veer off course. And the Do that's in front of you may look like the real deal, but it's not—it's a mirage of the real deal. And after some time you'll come to understand that you got it wrong and you need to start over.

To get to your appointed Do, you need to do the work required on your Who. You can resist it, try to navigate around it, be in denial about it, or downright avoid it, but none of those things make it go away. They only postpone the inevitable work that needs to get done before you can move forward in your anointed and appointed purpose.

What I'm saying should not make you feel discouraged but instead, inspire you to take the right steps to clear the way for you to shine brightly in your brilliance.

The Who work impacts not only your work but your life! It's transformative, powerful work that will get you to a whole new level of your destiny. And it doesn't have to take a long time if you're willing to yield, surrender, and commit to doing the work you need to do.

 My approach with each client is different because each woman is at a different starting point with a different destination. She is coming to me with her unique brilliance, personality, desires, blocks, etc. How I'm called to Unveil her brilliance is going to be different because she is a unique star with a particular shine that's not like anyone else’s.

Each of us is on a different journey. So, your Work will look different than other women's, and that is as it should be.

So, are you ready to FLY? Let’s talk!

As "The Brilliance Unveiler," Natalie Jobity leverages more than a decade of experience empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and now as a leadership and career coach of The Unveiled Way. She works with high-achieving women at career crossroads to unveil their distinctive brilliance, see the possibilities in their purpose, and have ripple-making impact in their leadership arena.

Natalie Jobity is an ICF-certified leadership and career transitions coach, consultant, bestselling author, mentor, speaker, and facilitator whose “Why” is empowering women to unveil their full magnificent selves to the world.

Visit Natalie’s website to learn more about how she partners with leaders and high-achieving women with her signature “Unveil Your Brilliance” program which helps propel them forward so their impact and influence increase.


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