Authenticity: Your Point of Differentiation in Leadership
Many coaches know that when coaching individuals around goal setting, one of the most powerful questions they can ask is one along the lines of how does that person need to show up in the way they envision themselves in the future to achieve their goal. It is a profound question and one that often elicits a response that can be game-changing. It is a question I often ask myself as a career coach who coaches purpose-driven women. Specifically, I must gut check around the query, “Who do I have to be to show up in my full brilliance?” And almost every time ‘being authentic’ is among my top responses. It makes sense after all, as authenticity is about being in the fullest expression of oneself. My differentiator, my greatest asset, my secret weapon as a professional if you will, hinges on my ability to show up authentically. It is about, as I like to phrase it, being me in all my glory, courageously, unashamedly, and honestly.
Authenticity is a value I have held for as long as I can remember. When I was a young adult, I thought authenticity was the same thing as brutal honesty, with an emphasis on brutal. I prided myself on speaking the truth even when it cost me, even if it hurt others, even if it was not the kind thing to do. However, my straight shooter tendencies were not authenticity or honesty for that matter. As I got a bit older, I assumed that if I was being a genuine person, sincere about my thoughts, feelings, ideas, perspective, etc., then I was being authentic. Yet I would come to discover that this notion too, was not quite the true embodiment of the word either.
Authenticity is….
The only way to become ‘you’ and being ‘you’ is the greatest asset you have when it comes to leadership.
Authenticity has at its Latin root the word “author”. Think of this in terms of authorship of your life or your career. With this understanding, being authentic is much more about being your own author. It is about the intention we convey via our words and actions which align with our values, beliefs, and principles. Psychologist and author of The Little Book on Authenticity, Nina Burrowes in an article for the Guardian put it this way, “Authenticity is… not about revealing something, it’s about building something, and that something is “you”.” She explains that in the context of leadership, “Embracing your authenticity is the only way to become ‘you’ and being ‘you’ is the greatest asset you have when it comes to being a leader.” It is our true self that our employees, followers, clients, and constituents are inspired by, engage with and ultimately trust. And exuding trustworthiness is the cornerstone of being an effective leader.
This true self is also the hallmark of our unique value proposition as a personal brand. This is why when we try to imitate another leader or another brand, we are doomed to fail. We fail because we cannot sustain connection with others if we are being inauthentic. As a leader, our words and actions will ring hollow if they are not sourcing from the true desires of our hearts.
Only when our actions and words are congruent with our beliefs and values and we are showing up fully as ourselves, are we leading authentically. Authenticity is at the heart of every powerful, impactful, and influential leader. Authenticity is bringing all of what makes you who you are to the table…fully faceted. This is the crux of the matter—this differentiation. It can only happen if we are each fully authentically ourselves. Each facet of our being has value. Collectively, all our multifaceted uniqueness is what gives us our competitive advantage.
In my own professional life, showing up in my full brilliance involves embracing my Trinidadian roots. From the moment someone hears me speak, they hear my accent and they invariably ask about it. I cannot tell you how many times this seemingly inconsequential disclosure about my heritage has led to tangential side conversations that seem to have no bearing on the business at hand. And yet it has everything to do with it. My Caribbean heritage is an important aspect of who I am and informs so much about me. This aspect of my persona gives new professional acquaintances a connecting point with me, a context that says much more about my values and perspectives than my credentials. It is one more point of differentiation. It is a key component of my personal brand.
In a post I wrote titled, Dare to be Brilliantly You, I underscored the importance of women being true to themselves by challenging them to be courageous in the embodiment of their values. This includes, as I wrote: “being true to yourself in a more embracive way than you may perhaps have allowed yourself to be in the past: being bold and unapologetically expressive, yet humble; being fearless in sharing your perspective of a given situation; being graciously honest with your feedback; being lovingly encouraging to those under your charge.” This advice holds true whether we lead in a corporate environment, classroom, church, or on Capitol Hill.
To harness the power of her authenticity, each woman can start right where she stands right now, no matter her vocation. How? Nurture your passions. Discover your purpose and challenge your beliefs by being curious about what makes your heart stir. Excavate your significance to this earth. Trust in your innate excellence. Be courageous in your expression of who you are, what you value, and what you stand for. Live your values. As Jo Miller, author of Woman Of Influence so perfectly put it: “Becoming a leader isn’t about changing yourself. It’s about becoming yourself.”
As an aspiring leader, the fastest path to crafting a brand reputation that is aligned with the best of what you have to offer is simply being authentically you. You are more than enough for what only you can offer. Let your light shine!
You may also want to read: Humility: A hallmark of great Leadership.
Natalie Jobity, MPhil, MBA, ACC, founder of The Unveiled Way, is a leadership and career coach, consultant, brand strategist, bestselling author, mentor, speaker, and facilitator who has earned a reputation as "The Brilliance Unveiler." She empowers female leaders to live in the fullness of their purpose and unveil their brilliance by leveraging the power of their strengths, expertise, and distinctiveness, so they make transformative impact in their sphere of influence.
Visit Natalie’s website to learn more about how she partners with leaders with her signature “Unveil Your Brilliance” program and her "Brand Your Biz Like a Boss" consulting service. While you’re there, join her Unveiled community and pick up your complimentary copy of her "Empowered to Lead: Seven Strategies to Help You Become a More Impactful Leader" guide.