Dare to be Brilliantly You
When I was an image consultant, I used to give workshops to teens on image and self-esteem. I called the workshops, “Dare to be Brilliant”, and I intended to give these young ladies a place to embrace healthy self-esteem ideas. One of the exercises I facilitated was for each of them to name 5 aspects of themselves that they absolutely loved. It could be anything–their fingernails, voice, or smile–the point was to make the girls aware of their positive attributes.
What was so heartwarming for me to observe was how comfortable and affirmed this exercise made them feel almost instantaneously. As each girl stood up to claim her positive attributes (clapping by the group was strongly encouraged), starting shyly and uncertain at first perhaps, but by the end smiling and looking that much more confident, something substantial would have shifted. Her self–esteem would have soared and solidified that much more deeply within her. The gift in the exercise was daring to name it and claim it!
Real Beauty…
Comes from Within
Healthy Self-Esteem
I share this experience to underscore the importance of healthy self-esteem and the power we each hold to bring it forth. Self-esteem describes a person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value. It plays a role in every thought we think about ourselves, our sense of identity, in determining the yardstick against which we allow others to treat us, and in our level of success in life.
Dove’s groundbreaking, “The Real Truth About Beauty” campaign, delved into young women’s self-esteem, body image, and body confidence issues and uncovered the difficulty women and girls have in recognizing their real beauty. A startling statistic from the study finds that 6 in 10 girls will stop doing something they love because they feel bad about the way they look. Consider the implications of poor self-esteem on women’s career choices, educational achievement, relationships, and lifestyle. Does your behavior foster healthy self-esteem?
Honoring Ourselves as Women
As our culture becomes more technologically sophisticated, the rate at which we are bombarded by images which erode and negatively impact our self-esteem increase. How do we self-correct? How do we move the needle in the other direction? How do we stop ourselves from increasingly becoming a perfection striving, visually hungry, socially competitive generation who can never attain the impossibly high standards we set for ourselves? We get back to basics. We re-learn ways to honor and uphold the absolute best of ourselves as the unique individual beings we are. We feed and encourage healthy self-image habits in ourselves and those we mentor.
More than ever in today’s culture, ideas of beauty, success, achievement, and creativity are converging around a “one size fits all” paradigm which snuffs the very life out of the individuality we seem to seek. We are more the same, yet we are more intolerant of each other’s differences. We wave the flag of freedom and expression but only if the status quo remains intact. But we must remember that this very generation is a by-product of individuality and self-expression in full bloom. The buck can’t stop here. We must encourage our youth to dare to showcase their uniqueness despite the pressures to conform. Every human being has a fundamental need to belong. To foster inclusiveness, without sacrificing uniqueness, a great measure of patience, humility, and tolerance is called for.
Dare to Show Up as Yourself
In tangible terms what does that mean for you reading this? It means being true to yourself in a more embracive way than you may perhaps have allowed yourself to be in the past: being bold and unapologetically expressive, yet humble; being fearless in sharing your perspective of a given situation; being graciously honest with your feedback; being lovingly encouraging to those under your charge. Nurture your passions. Hone your skills. Be insatiably curious…about everything. Discover your purpose and challenge your beliefs. Unearth your significance to this earth. Trust in your innate excellence. Love from the inside, out. Love your God. Love yourself. Love your brothers and sisters. Isn’t this our ultimate call?
We have only just begun to tap into the incredible abundance available to us. Our love is a resource we need to be using all the time. It is free, unlimited, and cumulative. It starts with our love for ourselves, and our esteem for ourselves as a contributing member of society. Dare to be brilliantly you. Love will do the rest.
“A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself” – Unknown
Natalie Jobity, founder of The Unveiled Way, is a clarity coach and branding strategist who helps purpose-driven women, longing to make an impact in others’ lives, intentionally cultivate the clarity, strategy, & mastery needed to fulfill their vision. Visit her website at www.theunveiledway.coach to learn more about how she can help you abound in your brilliance.