Leadership and Executive Coaching for High-Achieving Heart-Centered Women Seeking Authentic Impact

You are being called to believe bigger, show up bolder, and share your expertise wider in your leadership.

And you’ve got the expertise, skills, and credentials to do phenomenal things. But are you…

Woman looking out window
  • Feeling unfulfilled and restless because you’ve been stuck in your comfort zone and playing it safe?

  • Certain that what you are doing isn’t right for you, but unsure how to pivot into your ideal role?

  • Multi-gifted and talented yet struggling to find your aligned purpose path that leverages your true brilliance?

  • Feeling a nagging sense that you’re not fulfilling your purpose but you’re waiting for the “right” time to shoot your shot?

  • At a career crossroads because you’re boxed into a role that doesn't energize you, but you stay put because it pays well?

  • Worried that you have too much on your plate to add one more thing, even the business idea you know you’re meant to start?

  • Navigating being the “first” or “only” in your job and feeling pressured to perform and belong?

  • Saddled with imposter syndrome that keeps you from elevating and accelerating?

  • Unsure how to leverage your strengths and gifts even though you know they are valuable?

Welcome to Unveil Your Brilliance Leadership Development & Elevation Premium Coaching

Unveil Your Brilliance & Be Unstoppable

Discover a new ascension in your leadership with my tailored Unveil Your Brilliance Leadership Development & Elevation Premium Coaching Package. Picture starting each day filled with confidence, certainty, and agency. Imagine stepping beyond the shadows of your doubts, fully embracing your capabilities, and designing success according to your rules and a playbook designed to help you thrive.

In Unveil Your Brilliance, you will embark on a transformative journey that allows you to step into the brilliance that is uniquely yours.

Through Unveil Your Brilliance, your passion, purpose, and power are recognized and magnified, cementing your place as an impactful leader. This leadership coaching package will position you to operate from an unapologetic posture where you can draw from your full agency, authority, and autonomy.

My superpower is helping heart-centered, high-achieving women and leaders like you unveil the fullness of your brilliance so you can positively impact the lives of those you serve, lead, guide, or influence. Leaders who are seeking to make a difference, leave a larger imprint, or level up their influence. Unveil Your Brilliance is specifically crafted to disentangle you from limiting beliefs, strengthen your self-assurance, and empower you to lead authentically and unapologetically so you amplify your impact, influence, and income.

Unlike other career and executive coaches, my work draws on my 15 years in corporate life culminating in a Vice President of research role; my transition from employee to entrepreneur with my business Elan Image Management; my work with hundreds of women on image, confidence, and presence as an image consultant; and my experience as a marketing consultant.  

I customize my work so that cookie-cutter frameworks and “been there done that” blueprints and templates are shoved to the side, making way for an authentic, intuitive, organic process. This unveiling brings forth your true brilliance which allows you to shine and thrive in the way that is most aligned with your truth.

From this co-creative, sacred space we create together, YOU become more potent, powerful, and purposeful so that your leadership impact is transformational, with ripple-making effects for years to come in your sphere.

As your “Brilliance Unveiler,” allow me to join you on this journey to freedom where your fire, fullness, and fabulousness unveil so we all can bear witness to your magnificence!  

Watch the videos below where I talk more about what happens in Unveil Your Brilliance!

When I began working with Natalie, I was going through a turning point in my life and was just a few months into a new position. With it came high expectations, as this role was tied to a new initiative for the company and meant much more visibility on a grander scale. Ultimately, this triggered my imposter syndrome that had been lurking in the background, which inevitably took a toll on my confidence.

I was feeling out of place in my new role. I struggled to express myself and articulate my ideas and thoughts. I questioned whether I’d made the right decision going into this new leadership role which didn’t quite seem to match the skills that I’d come to rely on.

The coaching helped me to identify and appreciate how I’m uniquely designed to do things in ways that make me stand out. Over time, my confidence increased and I stopped second-guessing myself.

The greater conviction in the value and strengths I bring, tackling my imposter, and combatting my fears and self-doubt have given me a greater, bolder vision for myself that would not have been possible without the work I’ve done with Natalie. She continues to challenge me to play bigger and own my voice and authority and I believe now the sky is the limit!

- Lisa Moving, Vice President, Fortune 500 Company

Lisa Moving The Unveiled Way Client

Make Your Mark & Lead Your Way!

Step Into Your Purpose, Power & Presence

My mission is to transform high-achieving, impact-driven women into sovereign leaders, unleashing their inherent superpowers to become invincible in their arena.

The Unveil Your Brilliance Leadership Development & Elevation Premium Coaching Package is much more than a coaching program; it's a commitment to yourself to evolve into the leader you’re divinely designed to be so your impact and legacy are ripple-making!

This program offers a transformative experience designed to address your unique challenges and provide the guidance, accountability, resources, and support needed to propel your career/business and leadership forward. This is a solution tailor-made for women like you who are ready to take charge of their leadership development and personal growth.

My goal is to guide you through significant internal and external growth areas customized to your journey and season in life, facilitating the realization of your most valued aspirations as you navigate your career's evolution, transitions, or changes.

Investing six to twelve months in one-on-one coaching with Unveil Your Brilliance is about overcoming current challenges and unlocking a new realm of possibilities for empathetic, impact-minded women like you.

Here are examples of some of the outcomes you can expect with your commitment to this coaching container:

Clarity in Purpose and Direction

Gain crystal clear understanding of your life's purpose and the direction you wish to take, especially if you're in a phase of transition or feeling directionless.

Authentic Self-Expression and Influence

Learn to express your true self boldly and authentically, increasing your visibility and influence in your chosen field or arena so you stand out and speak up boldly.

Evolved Leadership Posture

Redefine how you show up as a leader by embracing the posture that is most aligned with who you innately are. We will go deeper into your LeadHer Brand Identity result to build and strengthen your leadership presence.

Women free and confident

Greater Legacy-Making Impact

Equip yourself with lifelong strategies and techniques for continuous personal development and self-improvement. Step into your role as a leader, ready to make a lasting, positive impact in your community, industry, or the world at large.

Enhanced Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Skills

Improve your ability to connect, empathize, and lead others effectively, so you create thriving cultures as a confident people leader.

Breakthroughs in Personal and Professional Blocks

Identify and overcome the barriers that have held you back like imposter syndrome and fear. Transform self-doubt into strong confidence and learn to trust your intuition.

Increased Income and Resources

When you stand solidly in your brilliance you will attract more aligned resources. Even more, your income will increase as you thrive and soar and navigate corporate or business dynamics with greater ease.

These outcomes are transformations that redefine how you perceive yourself and interact with the world.

Through Unveil Your Brilliance Leadership Development & Elevation Premium Coaching Package, you embark on a journey to achieve what you're capable of and redefine what you believe is possible in your realm of leadership!

It's YOUR time to SHINE!

Happy Woman

All these outcomes and more are possible when you partner with me, the Brilliance Unveiler, in my Unveil Your Brilliance Leadership Development & Elevation Program!

“Natalie “unveils your brilliance”.  Now what does that mean?  She removes the blinders from you and makes you step back and examine who you are and what you bring to the table.  You might feel like you absolutely bring nothing to the table (like me), but she works with you to show how there is so much there, and in doing so, that purpose, that path, that course of action is clarified – that unveiling of who you are and guidance with what you can be doing is what she does and gives you clarity on it – to help you move forward.

She has helped unstick me, walking me through an intuitive process, where everything reveals itself as you do the work.  The most exciting part I would have to say then is the ongoing unveiling.”

- Perryne Lokhandwala, Entrepreneur & Creative Visionary

Program Structure & Outcomes

Choosing to invest in the one-on-one Unveil Your Brilliance Leadership Development & Elevation Coaching Package is a commitment to your transformation and growth in your leadership posture.

Here are the reasons why dedicating six to twelve months to this individualized journey is a valuable investment in your future:

Personalized Attention via bi-weekly coaching sessions

  • Benefit from regular, personalized coaching sessions over Zoom, that provide guidance, support, co-creating, strategy, and accountability to help you unveil your brilliance and evolve into the leader you’re designed to be.

  • Each session is customized to your unique needs, goals, and personal journey, providing focused and specific guidance.

Dive Deep Into Your Brilliance in our first session

  • Start your journey with an extended initial session that allows us to explore your goals, challenges, and aspirations in greater depth, setting a strong foundation for your transformation.

  • The one-on-one format allows for deeper exploration and more profound change, facilitating lasting personal and professional growth.

Continuous Guidance at Your Fingertips

  • Stay connected and receive ongoing support between coaching sessions with unlimited access to email support, ensuring that you have the guidance you need, precisely when you need it.

  • Overcome obstacles, address concerns, and receive timely advice, empowering you to navigate challenges with confidence and resilience

A Wealth of Knowledge and Resources

  • Gain access to a curated collection of resources, including assessments, worksheets, recommended reading, insightful podcasts, and more uniquely chosen for you.

  • The program is designed to fit around your schedule, with each session focused entirely on your development and progress.

This program is meticulously crafted for heart-centered, purpose-driven women who are:

  • Visionary High Achievers: If you're a woman with exceptional intelligence, driven, resilient, and ambitious to make your mark and a drive to make a meaningful impact, this program is for you.

  • Heart-Centered: If you are empathetic and truly care about the people you lead, the impact your presence has on those you engage with, and you value impact over income, we’re an aligned fit.

  • Change Makers & Trailblazers: Are you a woman ready to lead unapologetically in your chosen field, breaking free from stagnation and stepping forward with confidence in the big bold vision you see for yourself, your company, or your organization? I can help you bring your vision to life YOUR way.

  • Seekers of Authentic Self-Discovery: If you're on a quest to discover your true purpose and unveil your inner brilliance, our paths are aligned.

  • Those Ready for an Inner Makeover: If you believe that true impact radiates from within and are ready to shine brightly, both internally and externally, welcome aboard.

  • Women Dealing With Insecurity or Fear: If you've felt held back by unrecognized potential, criticism, or fear of shining too brightly, this is your space to break free and shine.

  • Countercultural Disruptors: You know you don’t do things the conventional way and you need a space to explore what your unique vision looks like because chances are you’re a trailblazer, then I’m your gal!

Who is Unveil Your Brilliance For?

While "Unveil Your Brilliance" is a powerful journey, it may not be the right fit for everyone. This program might not be for you if:

  • Those Seeking Only External Makeovers: If your focus is solely on external appearance without a desire for internal transformation, this program might not meet your needs.

  • Women Unwilling to Challenge Thought Patterns or with Fixed Mindsets: If you're not ready to explore and change limiting beliefs and thought patterns, this journey may not be as effective for you.

  • Passive Participants: This program requires active engagement, introspection, and a willingness to explore deep personal aspects.

  • Individuals Not Ready for Deep Dive Introspection: If you're not at a stage where deep self-exploration feels right, this may not be the best timing for you.

  • Don’t like Being Challenged: Unveil Your Brilliance will stretch you so you grow and evolve. If you’d rather not be challenged and want to keep complaining about why you can never get ahead, we’re not a good fit.

Who is Unveil Your Brilliance Not For?

“Prior to coaching with Natalie in her Unveil Your Brilliance journey, I felt lost, seeking clarity in my life's purpose, which seemed vast and intimidating. Natalie emerged not just as a coach but as a guiding light, reflecting my deepest truths and uncovering hidden potential. Her ability to see things in me that I couldn’t, combined with her unique 'brilliance unveiling' process, was transformative, revealing an empowered and clearer version of myself.

This program transcended the conventional milestones, leading me on a path of continuous growth and self-discovery. It was pivotal in aligning my personal and professional aspirations with my true purpose. Today, I stand with a clearer vision and a stronger belief in my innate abilities, particularly in making a meaningful impact in the lives of others facing significant life changes. The journey with Natalie was about embracing and becoming the person I was always meant to be, equipped with new insights and tools essential for my growth.

Natalie's coaching was a cornerstone in building my confidence and trust in my path and purpose. Learning to trust my intuition and instincts has been invaluable, providing a sense of security and stability in who I am and where I'm headed. This transformative experience with Natalie has been life-changing, and I can't imagine where I'd be today without this journey of self-discovery and growth."

-Martine Jackson, Life Re-Construction Architect

Transformational Leadership Development

My Unveil Your Brilliance Framework


Your Who icon for Unveil Your Brilliance

This pillar is anchored in who you innately are, your personality, persona, values, character, confidence, faith and beliefs, passions, and your strengths. In Know, we do a lot of our deep unveiling work.

  • Know is also grounded in the fears, limiting beliefs, doubts, and insecurities you grapple with that diminish your impact.

  • Until you are clear on who you inherently are, what’s important to you, what holds you back, and what you are naturally gifted in, you cannot operate from your brilliance.

  • Freedom, healing, and confidence are tangible outcomes.


Your Do icon for Unveil Your Brilliance

Show is about your expertise, skills, awards, achievements, and accomplishments. It’s how you show up visibly, vocally, and vulnerably as a leader who blazes her unique divinely designed trail, so your brilliance is undeniable

  • In Show, I help you map out a plan of how to get from where you are currently professionally to where you want to be. This typically involves a leveling up or pivot in your leadership POSTURE.

  • A plan, strategy, and roadmap to achieve your professional aspirations and how you bridge the gap are tangible outcomes at this phase.


Your Woo icon for Unveil Your Brilliance

This is my favorite pillar because it is all about honing in on the superpowers you can harness so you have the greatest impact in your arena.

  • In Glow we are refining your leadership style, cultivating your unique value proposition, and building a personal brand that is anchored in your brilliance.

  • A lot of co-creation, creativity, and vision casting happens here.

  • Defining and refining your secret sauce, your unique brilliance, and how you can use it for impact from your evolved leadership posture is a tangible outcome here.

The beauty of this program is that it is tailor-made for you, where you are on your journey, and what you need the most to make your impact. This Know>Show>Glow process is not linear at all. All the phases are interconnected. But the end result is to make sure your inner radiance is shining outward so brightly, that all the opportunities, resources, collaborations, and connections will be drawn to you energetically without much effort.

It's ALWAYS About Your Impact

Make your outside shine match your inner brilliance!

Natalie Jobity, Leadership Coach for Women of Color

My passion is empowering women like you, to leverage your authority, position, and influence to elevate the lives of others.  

I’d love to support you to bring your purpose and vision to fruition and help you to set up intentional guardrails to maximize the best you bring.

Because you’re a distinct type of leader, you want a strategist, co-creator, and coach who can help you operate from your intuition, harness the full power of your gifts, and envision a future that may be unconventional, distinct, and new, and who is not intimidated by any of that—in fact, she challenges you to draw closer to those ways of being.

With your bold vision, you want a guide who will help you establish a heart-inspired mission, one who helps you build a brand that speaks potently to the heart of what you bring, what you’re about, and who you’re designed to impact. An intuitive coach who will allow you, from your own sovereignty, to lead in an authentic and effective way that is aligned with how you’re specially designed.  

Let’s set the foundations for your work based on the understanding that you are an ever-evolving woman whose inner shine will project outward in every experience with your clients or customers Let’s build you a brand based solidly on your Who. If you’re curious about where your starting point is on your transformative journey, check out this cool PDF I created.

I have the expertise, lived experience, and passion to empower you to serve your sphere from your unique brilliance. Together, let us unveil it!

What Sets Me Apart from Other Leadership and Executive Coaches?

In The Unveiled Way, my mission is to support authentic, heart-centered visionary women on their journey towards self-discovery and purpose.

Whether it's through one-on-one leadership coaching, empowering workshops, group coaching, or my collection of affirmation cards and books, my goal is to equip women with the tools they need to stand tall in their authority and create ripples of change.

As a former image consultant, I witnessed the transformation that occurs when women feel beautiful on the outside. However, I knew there was more to their radiance than just the clothes they wore.

This realization led me to become the Brilliance Unveiler, guiding women to uncover their inner magnificence, and allowing their true light to shine effortlessly. Now, my work as the Brilliance Unveiler is to give you a makeover on the inside so that when you shine brightly, it's less about the clothing you wear and more about the magnificent being that you are on the inside!

At the heart of Unveil Your Brilliance is my passion to help women shine their light brightly so they can be game changers in their arenas. My approach is tailored to the needs of heart-centered, visionary women who are ready to make a transformative shift in their lives.

I am certified as a coach, but I don’t just bring my coaching skills to this program. I've worked with hundreds of women over the past fifteen years as a consultant, coach, and mentor, so I have a deep understanding of how we thrive and the blocks that may be in our way of thriving.

Here are a few more ways I leverage my brilliance.

Intuitive Coaching with Foresight:

  • As a coach with intuitive gifts, I possess a deep-seated ability to see beyond the surface. This insight allows me to understand your challenges and potential uniquely. I can pull together threads in a woman's story and personality to unveil her brilliance. I see it and I also see the "veils" that may be dimming her light.

  • My foresight isn’t just about predicting future outcomes; it’s about helping you chart a course that aligns with your deepest desires and unexplored potential. This approach ensures that the guidance you receive is not only relevant for today but also sustainable for your future.

 Strengths-Based Approach with CliftonStrengths:

  • I have a gift of spotting potential. Utilizing the CliftonStrengths tool, I help you identify and leverage your top talent themes. This strengths-based approach is pivotal in building confidence and effectiveness in your personal and professional life.

  • Understanding your inherent strengths offers a foundation to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and make informed decisions that resonate with your core being.

Custom Frameworks for Individual Journeys:

  • Recognizing that no two journeys are the same, I employ customized frameworks that respect and adapt to your unique story and personality. This personalization ensures that your path to unveiling your brilliance is as individual as you are. My unique Know>Show>Glow framework is designed to meet you where you are in your journey, helping you forge a path that is both empowering and aligned with your divine purpose.

Empowerment through Self-Discovery:

  • My role as the Brilliance Unveiler is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about guiding you to discover the wisdom that already resides within you. This journey of self-discovery leads to lasting empowerment, as you learn to trust your inner voice, embrace your unique strengths, and express your authenticity with confidence.

Space for Authentic Expression:

  • In our one-on-one sessions, I create a safe, non-judgmental space for you to explore, express, and evolve. This environment is crucial for you to be as bold and bright as you wish, without the fear of criticism or misunderstanding. This freedom of expression allows for a deeper exploration of your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations, leading to meaningful personal breakthroughs.

With Unveil Your Brilliance, you'll discover a partner in your journey toward unapologetically embracing and utilizing your brilliance.

It's an invitation to step into a world where through our work together, your impact, income, and influence increase.

“Before my work with Natalie to “unveil my brilliance,” I perceived my unique set of skills and passions as a myriad of distractions. I’d adopted a traditional worldview of my own personal talents and was desperately trying to pick one talent to shove squarely into a box.  

I now embrace my identity as a trailblazer (some days better than others).  Collaborating with Natalie allowed me to successfully negotiate a compensation raise, outline a plan to improve my businesses branding and marketing, increase confidence in my abilities, and have a deeper understanding of my unique strengths and how to better use them to advance my career. 

From our work, I’ve been able to make necessary shifts in my career while building momentum toward a vision that she has helped me articulate. I’ve quieted the voices of fear and am finally hearing the quiet brilliance that has resided within me all this time.” 

- Nicole Clark, Creative Strategy Consultant & Artist

With our partnership in Unveil Your Brilliance, so much is possible!

Here are a few more potential outcomes.

Thank you for considering my Unveil Your Brilliance Leadership Development & Elevation Coaching Package. I understand that embarking on this journey is a significant decision, one that comes with many questions and considerations.

To provide you with a clearer picture of how Unveil Your Brilliance can specifically benefit you, I am delighted to invite you to a complimentary, no-obligation consultation. This Clarity Call is an opportunity for us to connect, explore your aspirations, and address any queries you might have about the program.

What to Expect:

  • A Personalized Conversation: We’ll discuss where you currently are in your journey, your goals, and how Unveil Your Brilliance can help in achieving them.

  • Insights into the Program: An overview of what the program entails, including the unique framework and outcomes you can expect.

  • Addressing Your Queries: An open forum for you to ask any questions. Whether it’s about the program structure, outcomes, or anything else, I’m here to provide clarity.

  • Exploring the Fit: Together, we'll explore if Unveil Your Brilliance is the right fit for you at this point in your journey.

Remember, this Clarity Call is about exploring possibilities with no pressure or obligation. It’s an opportunity to connect and understand how we can work together to illuminate the brilliance that already exists within you.

I’m excited about the prospect of embarking on this transformative journey with you. Let’s take this first step together towards unveiling the magnificent being that you are!

Are You Ready to Unveil Your Brilliance?