I’m Natalie Susan Jobity, Your Brilliance Unveiler & Leadership Elevation Strategist

I partner with high-achieving heart-centered women going through a career transition or elevation to increase their income, impact, and influence, and lead with audacity, authority, and authenticity so they can leave a transformative ripple-making legacy.

I See You, Queen!

You’re an impact-minded woman, a seasoned executive, a woman in the midst of a career elevation or transition, or one who’s recently launched her own new business or endeavor. You truly care about making a difference in your arena.

But despite your impressive track record, instead of stepping into your amazing power, the fear of entering a position of greater visibility may cause you to shrink back and play small. Your self-doubt and insecurity may paralyze you from taking aligned action to meet your professional aspirations.

And the constant battle you may have with imposter syndrome further exacerbates your struggles, making it challenging to believe in your own abilities and achieve true success.

Does this sound like you? Do you know that deep down something needs to change and you’ve been overthinking what that means?

What is it worth to you to get out of the box you’ve contorted yourself in and lead with your brilliance front and center?

I believe it's time for you to step into the spotlight, embrace your uniqueness, and pave the way for transformative change. With my support, you can get there!

Natalie Jobity, Founder of The Unveiled Way speaks about her transformative leadership development program, Unveil Your Brilliance.

You know it’s your time to evolve into the next-level version of yourself.

Let’s work together to unveil your brilliance so YOU can:

Blaze your trail icon

Leave a Legacy with a Ripple-Making Impact

Create impact by using your passion for transforming lives or changing outdated ways of operating. The world needs your brilliance.

Embrace your strengths icon

Navigate Your Career Transition/Elevation with Confidence & Clarity

Navigating career transitions or promotions is best executed with guidance because they require shifts in your posture, perspectives, and position. Let’s help you transition with clarity in your purpose path.

Leave a Legacy icon

Embrace Your Power and Lead Confidently

When you confidently embrace your authority as a leader you no longer need to second guess your expertise and you can lead unapologetically.

Cultivate Your Personal Brand Confidently icon

Cultivate Your Authentic Leadership Presence & Posture

Your presence as a leader speaks volumes before you utter a word. Your energetics, confidence, non-verbal cues, persona, EQ and posture all play a pivotal role in how you are perceived and received.

Serve with your superpowers icon

Serve with Strengths & Superpowers

When you bring ALL of your brilliance into your work— your strengths, sizzle, and secret sauces—you soar and shine!

Elevate your thought leadership icon

Elevate Your Visibility, Thought Leadership & Build a Powerful Brand

It's time for you to step into the spotlight and show up, stand up, and speak up! The world needs the thought leadership you’ve curated. Your impact and influence elevate when you stand out in your arena.

“Coaching with Natalie made me see how I was playing small and minimizing myself based on the stories I was telling myself. It opened me up to see that I was the biggest obstacle to my success. I was washing and repeating this pattern of jumping into a new opportunity, being excited for a few months, then getting bored and frustrated and moving to another opportunity.

One of my biggest breakthroughs with Natalie was understanding that I don't have to wait for permission to embody my inherent strengths. That awareness gave me newfound confidence. Now I know who I am, and nobody can give me permission to be me. Now I own my strengths, my voice, and I am empowered to ask for what I want. My self-talk is so much more emboldened. Natalie also helped me reconnect to my purpose and to know it’s a calling from God. I want to be a trailblazer—that’s who I am, who I’ve always been.”

- Jill Potter, Senior Director at Fortune 500 Company

To be visible, valued, and vocal.

Your people need you to show up because you're the one they have been waiting for.

It is time for you to evolve into the next level version of yourself—the version that allows you to emerge as an impactful leader after you’ve done the work to remove the obstacles holding you back from your divine destiny so you can truly shine.

My mission is to build up heart-centered, authentic, self-aware leaders, who embrace their brilliance and change the world through it.

If this resonates, let’s chat!

Natalie Jobity standing open handed

You are meant to shine, sister!

Unveil Your Brilliance with my Unveil Your Brilliance Leadership Development & Elevation Coaching Package

Imagine if you could wake up every morning, fully confident and unapologetically leading with agency and authority. You feel free, confident, fulfilled, and successful on your own terms.

No longer held hostage by fears and insecurities, you embrace your brilliance and operate by a playbook that allows you to thrive. This is possible with my Unveil Your Brilliance Leadership Development and Elevation Coaching.

While I believe in all women unveiling their brilliance, helping impact-minded, high-achieving women take the reins of their leadership superpowers so they become unstoppable leaders, is my sweet spot.

My Unveil Your Brilliance program gets you unstuck from unhealthy mindset patterns, boosts your confidence in your superpowers, and gives you the command to leverage your full agency, autonomy, and audacity as a leader so that your impact and income increase.

This transformative experience designed to address your unique challenges is a solution tailor-made for women like you who are ready to take charge of their leadership development and personal growth. Plus you get the guidance, accountability, and support needed to propel your career or business forward.

Partnering with a coach who understands your struggles and fears because she’s been there and done the work to unveil her brilliance and is ready to help you unveil yours, is like striking a goldmine!

Unveil Your Brilliance will position you so that your passion, purpose, and power are amplified, and your leadership posture will elevate, allowing you to make YOUR undeniable impact in your arena. You will stand confidently and bravely in who you are with your competencies and capabilities so that your BRILLIANCE is fully unveiled.

Other coaches may offer cookie-cutter templates and programs, but I recognize that no two women are alike. My Unveil Your Brilliance program, while grounded in my three pillars Know>Show>Glow, is customized to the needs and goals of each woman I work with.

My purpose is to help you take the transformative inner and outer steps required to bring about the impact that matters most to you as you plan your next career move, transition, or pivot.

If you’re ready to do this work, click on that “Book a Clarity Call” button to get started! Want to learn more? Hit the button below.

Transformation Stories from Unveiled Clients

Client Testimonials

Level Up into a New Way of Being

That Magnifies Your Brilliance!

Woman of color leading a team in a conference room

The world we live in now is calling for a different type of leader. A woman that is potently aligned with her brilliance.

As you step fully onto your divinely destined path, it is powerful to have someone like me as your encourager, champion, and supporter. A coach and guide willing to hold your vision with you, believe in your strengths, and who can help you to get out of your own way.

A coach that will help you navigate around the obstacles in your path, patiently guide you into the fullness of your influence and keep pointing you toward the unique purpose designed especially for you.

I know what it’s like when you aren’t sure HOW to step into what you’re sensing is meant for you, because it doesn’t feel formed yet, or it feels too big, too much, or too outside your comfort zone.

I also understand feeling like you don’t have what it takes to manifest your bold vision, fearing the uncertainty, or not having the support you need for the journey ahead.

I can fill these gaps for you! Because no leader leads in isolation. And you’re worth investing in yourself to have all the guidance and accountability you need to bring your vision to fruition.

Let me partner with you so you can become more of the leader, game-changer, and trailblazer you’re designed to be!

“If you need someone to help you become a better and stronger version of yourself - Natalie is your answer! Natale's empathy, compassion, intuition, intelligence, and deep understanding of human behavior make her a wonderful partner on your self-improvement journey.

I started working with Natalie when I was at a crossroads in my career. During our engagement, I learned so much about myself through our coaching conversations. What I appreciate the most about Natalie is her ability to listen, synthesize and challenge in a way that pushes growth during every call. She held me accountable to myself - and that was the biggest gift I could receive.

Stand in your power, quiet your imposter, and envision a better future for yourself. Natalie will be there every step of the way!”

H. Cherif, Client

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