Leadership Elevation Strategist and Executive Coach for High Achieving Women Seeking Impact

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High Achiever: Don’t Hijack Your Impact by Overperforming

Are you a high achieving woman who may be missing her mark because you are so focused on your Do that you’re not paying attention to your Who?

Maybe you can track with a few of these behaviors:

  • Over-performing

  • Striving for perfection

  • Putting others first/people pleasing

  • Poor self-care

  • Poor work/life balance

  • Suffering from shiny object syndrome

  • Susceptible to burnout

  • Over working and overdoing

  • Not understanding you produce/create/ideate ABOVE the average person

  • Always thinking I need to add value

  • Not understanding the importance of rest

  • Take on way more responsibility than you need to be

  • Not realizing how brilliant and phenomenal you are

 I want you to understand that perhaps you think by doing and achieving more that you’re operating in your full brilliance.

 But you’re not!

 You can’t fully tap into your amazing brilliance if you are always doing and not taking time to rest, refresh, renew or recalibrate. 

Sister, you may be hijacking your impact by all your “doing!”

How can you blaze that trail you’re uniquely designed to create, lead in the arena you’re called to, or help light the path and be the answered prayer to those who need your “It Factor” if you are overworked, exhausted, or near burnout?

 There’s another way.  

One anchored around

  • savoring

  • pausing

  • reclaiming

  • celebrating

  • honoring

WHILE you are doing.

Want to learn how? Reach out and let’s talk!