The Unveiled Way Blog

The Unveiled Way Blog equips purpose-driven women with the inspiration, encouragement, strategy & resources to unveil their brilliance so they positively impact the lives of those they serve, lead, guide, or influence in their careers, businesses, ministries, or non-profits.

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Abound in your brilliance!

The Glass Cliff

Most of us are familiar with the term 'glass ceiling' - the unseen barrier hindering women from top corporate roles. Yet, there's a lesser-known but equally critical concept: the 'glass cliff'. This metaphor extends the challenge beyond just reaching leadership positions. It's about the precariousness that often accompanies these roles, especially for Black women and women of color. This results in a role fraught with unsustainable workloads, lack of support, and unrecognized efforts, leading to burnout and frustration. You can change that!

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The Consequences of Stress and Burnout: Teetering on the “Glass Cliff”

At times of corporate turmoil, it's not uncommon for companies to appoint women, to steer the ship. This is the glass cliff in action - a phenomenon where women ascend to power during a crisis or downturn, placing them in inherently unstable positions with a higher failure risk. If you grappling with this or similar, here are a couple of options to avoid burnout.

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High Achievers, Impact Natalie Jobity High Achievers, Impact Natalie Jobity

High Achiever: Don’t Hijack Your Impact by Overperforming

Many high-achieving women miss their mark because they are so focused on their Do that they do not mind their Who. They think by doing and accumulating more achievements that they’re operating in their full brilliance but they’re not because they can’t fully tap into it because they haven’t learned to savor, to pause, to integrate what they’re getting done. There is a better, more spirit-led way

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Career, Professional Development Natalie Jobity Career, Professional Development Natalie Jobity

How has the pandemic changed your perspective about work?

The pandemic helped us see and understand at a deeper level that without a sense of purpose, meaning and value, our work cannot fulfill us and make the impact we long for. I believe it’s time for all of us to take the reins of our careers and lives as we navigate uncertainty and pivots that are the new normal right now. If not now, when?

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Career Natalie Jobity Career Natalie Jobity

Are You on the Brink of Burnout? Warning Signs and Hacks

In these uncertain, chaotic, and constantly shifting times, if you find yourself feeling unmotivated, blah, unable to focus, frequently tired, or more uptight than usual, it’s wise to check in with yourself to see if you’re edging into burnout. Here are key warning signs and ways to address them.

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