A Very Special Offer to Play with a Possibilities Perspective

We're already halfway through 2022, and while you may still be wrapping your heads around that, (where does the time go?), I'm sure you're also reflecting on how you'd like the rest of the year to go.

I recently attended a local art festival, and I was amazed by the beauty and artistry all around. Just spending time in this environment tapped into aspects of me that were dormant.

My own creativity got a boost and my mind started to imagine new possibilities of expression just from witnessing the myriad ways the artists around me expressed themselves through jewelry designs, paintings, sculptures, crafting, music, and dance.

For a couple of hours, I “played in the playground of possibilities” (a phrase one of my clients coined), and it took me to a place of expansive enlightenment that allowed me to access aspects of my creativity later.

When we immerse ourselves in environments or experiences that allow us to play with possibility, our perspective expands. We become aware and attune to so much more, which makes more available to us.

When we operate from this possibilities mindset, from this greater flow state we can tap into inner resources that may have been inaccessible before—like our creativity, discernment, intuition, innovation, and more.

Tapping into these latent aspects of our being may be just what we need to invite transformation that allows us to walk more solidly in our purpose. 

In my work as the Brilliance UnveilerTM, I create a sacred, safe space where you can feel free to be vocal, vulnerable, and visible. This allows you to have deep new insights and awareness, where truth is unveiled and brought forward. A space where new "possibilities" become evident.

THIS ignites a transformation of the mind and heart which is often game-changing. My approach is customized and tailored based on your specific needs and intended outcomes. I’m not focused on hours but on outcomes, because it is the outcomes that you are seeking.

You may be thinking, “Great Natalie, but what does that look like for me?” Well, I’m glad you asked.

A VERY Special Offer!

If what I’m saying connects for you, but you need more *proof* then maybe my “Testing the Waters” package, (my lowest investment package) may be perfect for you. I’m now offering this package at the LOWEST price it will ever be (because inflation) through August 15th!

“Testing the Waters” is a package of three 90-minute sessions over the course of three to six weeks that I’ll be offering to THREE new clients at this special rate that is 20% off the regular rate through August 15th.

If you’ve been keeping up with me, you’ll know I RARELY offer sales or discounts on my services because they are already equitably, generously, and competitively priced.

It’s First Come, First Serve, so if you’re remotely piqued, contact me so we can set up a time to chat! There's no pressure; the goal of the conversation is to determine whether we are a great fit and whether this special offer makes sense for you.

This package may be what you need, particularly if you’re navigating a career transition, to address a specific challenge, including:

  • Elevating your personal brand

  • Operationalizing your strengths

  • Sussing out your secret sauce, your “Woo.”

  • Making progress combatting a specific (and known to you) mindset block

  • Cultivating more confidence

  • Leveraging your leadership presence

  • Getting greater clarity on your calling

  • And so much more.

Don’t snooze on this one. I want you to end 2022 on fire! (well, not literally, of course).

My word of the year is “Possibilities” and it’s been amazing seeing ALL the ways it's already shown up for me this year. I am walking out that possibilities mindset and it’s transforming the lens from which I view life. 

This is my invitation to you to play in the playground of possibilities. Will you join me?

As "The Brilliance Unveiler," Natalie Jobity leverages more than a decade of experience empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and now as a leadership and career coach of The Unveiled Way. She works with high-achieving women at career crossroads to unveil their brilliance, so they're empowered to be unstoppable leaders of change with ripple-making impact in their arena.

Natalie’s second book titled, It’s Your Time to Shine, Girl: Unveil Your Brilliance, Blaze Trails, & Lead with Unstoppable Impact, will be published in the Fall of 2022. This leadership and empowerment book will not only inspire women the world over to step into their purpose, but also give them the tips, tools, and techniques needed to succeed and thrive as a woman of influence.


Step into Your Career Transition with Greater Ease


Your Intuition is a Superpower