The Secret To Strengthening Your Career Brand
Imposter syndrome is one of the biggest roadblocks I see women come up against when they’re on the verge of showcasing their full brilliance. Whether it is because they’re making a new career move, gaining more visibility in their role, embarking on a new venture, launching a website, nailing a large client, or on the brink of fulfilling a lifelong dream, the insecurities, inadequacies, and doubt that signal imposter syndrome may be in play can hijack their success.
I believe you deserve to thrive doing work that plays to your strengths, energizes you, and allows you to bring your brilliance to the table every day, while positively impacting those you lead, mentor, guide, or influence. My why is helping you to do just that!
What is the secret to strengthening your career brand even in the face o imposter syndrome? You must be purpose-driven. That sounds so simple, right? While it’s simple it’s not easy to do though. It takes intentionality which is a serious commitment to staying focused on what you need your brand to communicate.
Learning how to amplify your accomplishments, craft a strong personal brand, advocate for your career, or design the role that showcases your brilliance takes strategy, intentionality, and perseverance. This is what being purpose-driven is all about. As a purpose-driven woman you:
Walk your talk
Get it done
Keep it moving after failure
Strive to impact real change
While imposter syndrome is real, you can refuse to let it dull your ability to shine by taking control of the negative self-talk. By following the seven strategies I share in The Purpose-Driven Women’s Guide to Combatting Imposter Syndrome and Strategies For Managing Imposter Syndrome in Your Career, you can take positive steps to rein it in.
If you find yourself struggling with doubt, insecurity, or fear in your professional life, follow the guidelines below.
If you’re:
Doing work that will never make you stand out.
o Doing work that downplays your potential is the fastest path to getting in a rut. You can only be in your brilliance when you do work that plays to your strengths.
Allowing others to define your reputation.
o One of the secrets of brand building is taking control of your brand narrative. Consider, what do you want to be known for?
Downplaying your accomplishments.
o Humility is a hallmark of leadership. However, ask yourself, whether you’re being humble or just being insecure.
Every interaction you have with your colleagues, clients, co-workers, customers, or C-suite executives is an opportunity to show up in the ways you want to be known for, so be purpose-driven as you seek to leave an indelible impact.
Natalie Jobity, MPhil, MBA, ACC, founder of The Unveiled Way, is a leadership and career coach, consultant, brand strategist, bestselling author, mentor, speaker, and facilitator who has earned a reputation as "The Brilliance Unveiler." She empowers female leaders to live in the fullness of their purpose and unveil their brilliance by leveraging the power of their strengths, expertise, and distinctiveness, so they make transformative impact in their sphere of influence.
Visit Natalie’s website to learn more about how she partners with leaders with her signature “Unveil Your Brilliance” program and her "Brand Your Biz Like a Boss" consulting service. While you’re there, join her Unveiled community and pick up your complimentary copy of her "Clarity for Your Calling" guide.