The Urgency of Now for Empathetic Leadership
Perhaps you’ve been thinking of hiring a coach to help you as you evolve into the more aspired version of the leader you’re designed to be. Yet you don’t feel the urgency. You have other priorities. You’re waiting on the “right” time. Or maybe you are comfortable being in your comfort zone.
But I’m here to tell you that there IS an urgency. None of us has the luxury of just sitting and resting on our laurels. We don't know how much time we have to do what we're called to do. The world continues to spin quickly out of control and a faction of us is needed to do our part to make things right. I believe we are each on assignment to continue the work of leaving the world better off than when we got here, using our unique gifts, strengths, and expertise.
Perhaps you’ve followed a prescribed path in your career, a “should” path, and are now realizing that the path led to a destination that does not bring you true fulfillment or that doesn’t excite or ignite you enough anymore. Maybe you're no longer stretching or challenging yourself.
Perhaps you’re sitting in your comfort zone and instead of feeling satisfied, you’re feeling antsy, bored, restless, or even resentful. Even though you’ve been successful, maybe you’ve outgrown the success you have now. You want MORE—whatever that means to you— and you know you're meant to make a greater impact.
You are the vessel; the one God uses to bless others in the specific way that only you can. Whatever vision you hold in your heart, it is yours to bring it to fruition. But it’s likely bigger than you and probably not even about you. But it is your responsibility to steward that vision in the best way, so you positively impact the lives of others.
To truly tap into your greatest aspirations, your vision of your assignment needs to be the grandest, highest, greatest thing you can imagine for yourself. It needs to be a visionary vision-- bigger, bolder, and brighter than what you can presently see or imagine. If it seems out of reach, or almost impossible to attain, you're on the right track. Your bold vision will stretch you beyond your capability. It will require allies to help you attain it. It will need a strong injection of faith to be realized.
Sister, you are being called to believe bigger, impact stronger, and share your expertise broader. This means that the support you need to truly lean into and trust your brilliance to build, create, innovate, advocate, and serve as a leader, is unique.
The world we live in now is calling for a different type of leader. A woman that is potently aligned with her brilliance. A woman who leads by her:
Core Values
Shared Humanity
Desire for Impact
and her connection to Spirit
Because you’re a distinct type of leader in a unique time, you want a strategist, co-creator, and coach who can help you operate from your intuition, harness the full power of your gifts, and envision a future that may be unconventional, distinct, or new, and one who is not intimidated by any of that—in fact, she challenges you to draw closer to those ways of being.
I know what it’s like when you aren’t sure HOW to step into what you’re sensing is meant for you because it doesn’t feel formed yet, or it feels too big, too much, too outside your comfort zone. Which is why the RIGHT support is critical.
With your bold vision, you want a guide who will help you establish a heart-inspired mission, and help you build a brand that speaks potently to the heart of what you bring, who you are, what you’re about, and who you’re designed to impact. One who will allow you, from your sovereignty, to lead authentically and effectively that is aligned with how you’re specially designed.
As the Brilliance Unveiler—leadership coach, personal brand strategist, strengths guru, intuitive, ideator, exhorter, and writer—I use my gifts to help leaders and impact-minded women like you.
This new year has just begun. Let’s set the foundation for your work and purpose based on the understanding that you are an ever-evolving woman whose inner shine will project outward in every experience with your clients, customers, or audience IF it's channeled in an aligned way.
I’d love to support you to bring your purpose and vision to fruition and help you to set up intentional guardrails to maximize the best you bring. I’d love to chat with you about how we can partner together.
Let’s make this the year of Impact!
As "The Brilliance Unveiler," Natalie Jobity leverages more than a decade of experience empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and now as a leadership coach & personal brand strategist of The Unveiled Way. She works with trailblazing women to empower them to unveil their brilliance and maximize their impact so they lead unapologetically in their arena.
Natalie’s second book titled, It’s Your Time to Shine, Girl: Own Your Brilliance, Step into Your Influence, and Lead Like a Trailblazer, is a leadership and empowerment book that will not only inspire women the world over to step into their purpose, but also give them the tips, tools, and techniques needed to succeed and thrive as a woman of influence.
Discover your leadership brand by taking Natalie’s five-minute assessment, What Is Your Leadership Brand.