The Unveiled Way Blog
The Unveiled Way Blog equips purpose-driven women with the inspiration, encouragement, strategy & resources to unveil their brilliance so they positively impact the lives of those they serve, lead, guide, or influence in their careers, businesses, ministries, or non-profits.
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Abound in your brilliance!
Are you terrified at getting more visibility?
Maybe you got tired of all the criticism and backlash you endured for speaking up or standing out the way you were “supposed” to as a woman. So you held yourself back, muted yourself, and hid your superpowers to the point where you may have even forgotten what they are and how you feel when you permit your full self to shine. In the new world of work, visibility is more important than ever, but you can’t hide under a rock if you want to advance and to be impactful. The world needs your brand of brilliance whether it knows it or not. There are people out here yearning for someone just like you to say what’s in your heart, to be who you’re meant to be, to build and create the products, services, or experiences you have been uniquely shaped to birth.
Invisibility at Work?
Navigating complex corporate dynamics is no joke and often as women we tell ourselves that we should play small rather than risk backlash, consequences or judgment.
Poised and Powerful Leadership
I believe leadership – true, impactful leadership – is a blend of being poised and powerful. But what does that really mean for us, today, in our lives and careers or businesses?
The Consequences of Stress and Burnout: Teetering on the “Glass Cliff”
At times of corporate turmoil, it's not uncommon for companies to appoint women, to steer the ship. This is the glass cliff in action - a phenomenon where women ascend to power during a crisis or downturn, placing them in inherently unstable positions with a higher failure risk. If you grappling with this or similar, here are a couple of options to avoid burnout.
The Urgency of Now for Empathetic Leadership
The world we live in now is calling for a different type of leader. A woman that is potently aligned with her brilliance. A woman who leads from her heart. Because you’re a distinct type of leader in a unique time, you want a strategist, co-creator, and coach who can help you operate from your intuition, harness the full power of your gifts, and envision a future that may be unconventional, distinct, or new.
Visibility Challenge
Share your feedback on my visibility challenge from my book, It’s Your Time To Shine Girl here!
Your Elevated Visibility Requires Courage
As purpose-driven women, we cannot let the insecurities, fears, and self-doubt our imposter drags in get us off track. Doing anything bold and new takes courage. Courage doesn’t mean we’re not afraid—it just means we are doing what we need to do, fear or no fear. Just do “it” sister!
Embrace a Possibilities Mindset in 2022
When we claim our gifts and talents and fully believe in our potential, we can stand tall and secure in our value and share our brilliance with the world, making our full impact. But sometimes we are the biggest barriers to our blessings. It’s our openness to the possibilities that unveils the opportunities that connect with our brilliance! Embrace possibilities in 2022!
Craft a Compelling Elevator Pitch
Crafting an elevator pitch that showcases your brilliance is part of your self-promotion tool kit. This is the time to amplify your message showcasing the strengths, expertise, and talents you bring to the table. Follow these tips to ensure your messaging is compelling and effective.
Called to Rise. No More Playing Small, Leader!
I have a vision that women are called to rise for such a time as the one we are experiencing right now. In this vision, with women collectively leading in their brilliance, their influence and impact is unstoppable. Yet so many of us play small. This is a testimony to motivate you to rise.
5 Strategies to Boost your Leadership Visibility
Visibility is one of the most needed career strategies for aspiring leaders yet one of the hardest to execute. It is especially hard for women who need to do more to prove their competence. Increasing your visibility takes intentionality and strategy. Here are five proven strategies to help you authentically level up your visibility.
Self-Promote Authentically & Effectively
Self-promotion gets a bad rap among women but it doesn’t have to. The truth is that for you to achieve recognition for your accomplishments and successes, your contribution needs to be visible. But it's only visible if you are intentional about making it so. Discover key ways to self-promote authentically and effectively.