The Unveiled Way Blog

The Unveiled Way Blog equips purpose-driven women with the inspiration, encouragement, strategy & resources to unveil their brilliance so they positively impact the lives of those they serve, lead, guide, or influence in their careers, businesses, ministries, or non-profits.

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Abound in your brilliance!

Personal Growth, Self-Empowerment, Coaching Natalie Jobity Personal Growth, Self-Empowerment, Coaching Natalie Jobity

Manifest Your Desires: Dream Big. Believe Bigger.

As we journey through life, the power of self-belief acts as our guiding light, illuminating the path toward realizing our deepest desires. It's this unwavering confidence in ourselves that shapes the outcomes we dare to dream of that we want to see become reality. Yet, understanding our worth and embodying that belief is only part of the equation. The gap between where we stand and where we wish to be often requires more than just self-assurance; it often calls for aligned support, and a guiding hand(s) to help bridge the divide.

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You Are Chosen and Called

Most people are unclear about what they are here to do and so many have given up on the notion of finding their calling or purpose (or perhaps never even had it). Hear this truth: YOU are DESTINED to do something remarkable with your life –it is what you are divinely designed to do. You are CHOSEN and EQUIPPED to make a specific impact in your sphere of influence. If you dare to believe that MORE is possible, that belief will carry you to the reality of what you most desire, as you take steps forward each day.

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Leadership Development, Coaching Natalie Jobity Leadership Development, Coaching Natalie Jobity

The Urgency of Now for Empathetic Leadership

The world we live in now is calling for a different type of leader. A woman that is potently aligned with her brilliance. A woman who leads from her heart. Because you’re a distinct type of leader in a unique time, you want a strategist, co-creator, and coach who can help you operate from your intuition, harness the full power of your gifts, and envision a future that may be unconventional, distinct, or new.

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Empowerment, Leadership, Inspiration Natalie Jobity Empowerment, Leadership, Inspiration Natalie Jobity

Four Truths About Your Purpose from Martin Luther King Jr’s Life & Legacy

Your vision is the grandest, highest, greatest thing you can imagine for yourself. Martin Luther King Jr. galvanized a civil rights movement that changed the fabric of American life for black and brown people. It started with a vision. Learn from his legacy and let your vision guide your course so that you achieve things in your life and work far greater than you could have ever imagined.

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