The Unveiled Way Blog

The Unveiled Way Blog equips purpose-driven women with the inspiration, encouragement, strategy & resources to unveil their brilliance so they positively impact the lives of those they serve, lead, guide, or influence in their careers, businesses, ministries, or non-profits.

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Abound in your brilliance!

Career Advice, Inspiration Natalie Jobity Career Advice, Inspiration Natalie Jobity

The Beauty of Savoring Your Successes

The cycles of life are part of many aspects of our lives, including our careers. The season of Autumn is all about receiving and celebrating our growth, achievements, and wins. But as a high achiever, how good are you at taking the time to savor your win? I pray my testimony about my business Elan Image Management inspires you to savor your successes more intentionally.

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Empowerment, Leadership, Inspiration Natalie Jobity Empowerment, Leadership, Inspiration Natalie Jobity

Four Truths About Your Purpose from Martin Luther King Jr’s Life & Legacy

Your vision is the grandest, highest, greatest thing you can imagine for yourself. Martin Luther King Jr. galvanized a civil rights movement that changed the fabric of American life for black and brown people. It started with a vision. Learn from his legacy and let your vision guide your course so that you achieve things in your life and work far greater than you could have ever imagined.

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Leadership, Inspiration Natalie Jobity Leadership, Inspiration Natalie Jobity

The Importance of Wielding Your Words Wisely

Our words leave an indelible print of our time here on earth. Our words can uplift, edify, elevate, or enlighten. Or they can dis-empower, tear down, vilify and condemn. In our spheres of influence, our words leave a legacy that should give us pause before we speak, tweet, post, or share. Learning to harness the power of our words matters so much more when our views become increasingly divergent from one another. As a purpose-driven woman, ensure that you wield the power of your words wisely.

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Inspiration, Empowerment, Coaching Topics Natalie Jobity Inspiration, Empowerment, Coaching Topics Natalie Jobity

Four Rules for Cultivating Resilience When Facing Life’s Challenges

As we all cope with the uncertainty of living during a global pandemic, this trait of resilience is going to separate those of us that emerge on the other side intact and those who succumb to its associated challenges. The people who make it in life have resilience. So how do you cultivate resilience? You find a way, following these four steps.

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Dare to be Brilliantly You

As our culture becomes more technologically sophisticated, the rate at which we are bombarded by images which erode and negatively impact our self-esteem increase. How do we move the needle in the other direction? Perhaps by discovering our purpose, unearthing our significance to this earth, and trusting in our innate excellence.

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Be I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D. in the Pursuit of Excellence

Excellence is active—it is about doing, not simply being. But what really drives a person to excel? I think if we observed the habits of those who we hold in high esteem for their commitment to excellence, we will find they are I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D: Innovative, Nimble, Success-driven, Purposeful, Integrity, Results-oriented, Engaged, Diligent.

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