The Unveiled Way Blog
The Unveiled Way Blog equips purpose-driven women with the inspiration, encouragement, strategy & resources to unveil their brilliance so they positively impact the lives of those they serve, lead, guide, or influence in their careers, businesses, ministries, or non-profits.
Start reading the most recent posts below. Or use the Search function to search by key topic categories including Leadership Development, Career, Empowerment, Success, Christian, Inspiration, and more.
Abound in your brilliance!
The Urgency of Now for Empathetic Leadership
The world we live in now is calling for a different type of leader. A woman that is potently aligned with her brilliance. A woman who leads from her heart. Because you’re a distinct type of leader in a unique time, you want a strategist, co-creator, and coach who can help you operate from your intuition, harness the full power of your gifts, and envision a future that may be unconventional, distinct, or new.
Your Personal Brand: Entrepreneurs’ Most Underutilized Secret Marketing Weapon
Your personal brand is a blueprint for how you want the world to see your business. Many entrepreneurs overlook this process, because they jump right into the design of the logo and collateral materials, wrongly assuming that these alone are their branding. But your brand is the foundation upon which your business is built. It’s an integral aspect of your business building and a secret weapon for your marketing.
Polish Your Shine Girl!
My book It’s Your Time to Shine Girl is just a taste of the transformative work I do with the women I partner with. When I unveil brilliance, I help you get clarity about the Truth of your purpose and work with you to map out a strategy for how you get there. Here’s why you want to polish your shine.
FREE Kindle Book Promotions on Dec 12th and Dec 13th!
Download two awesome books on women empowerment for free on Dec 12th and Dec 13th. It's Your Time to Shine Girl and Frumpy to Fabulous: Flaunting It by leadership coach and author, Natalie Jobity. Treat yourself to the gift that keeps on giving!
The Importance of Self-Advocacy in Leadership
A huge part of self-advocacy is asking for help. Discover why this simple task is important for you to lean into as a leader and woman of influence.
How much are your fears crippling your career?
None of us is immune from uncertainty, doubt, or fears. But what separates those who move forward anyway from those who are stuck is the assuredness of their greater purpose and their true desire to make an impact.
The Challenge (and Gift) in Getting Unstuck in Your Career
Are you feeling stuck in your career and unsure how to move forward? Let the beauty of fall inspire you to take the first steps in getting unstuck
It’s Your Time to Shine Girl Book Launch!
I am so excited that my book, It’s Your Time to Shine Girl, is finally published! This leadership and empowerment book for women is just the inspiration, motivation, and GPS navigator women need to elevate their career and bring their brand of leadership to their professional arena.
Visibility Challenge
Share your feedback on my visibility challenge from my book, It’s Your Time To Shine Girl here!
The Importance of Embracing & Embodying Your “Who”
As female leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs, when we don't bring our full selves to the front, we only see ourselves as facets, not as the complete phenomenal kick butt woman we are. Stepping into your full power and potential, your inner Queen, is game-changing. Here’s why.
Your Elevated Visibility Requires Courage
As purpose-driven women, we cannot let the insecurities, fears, and self-doubt our imposter drags in get us off track. Doing anything bold and new takes courage. Courage doesn’t mean we’re not afraid—it just means we are doing what we need to do, fear or no fear. Just do “it” sister!
Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Make You Doubt Your Mastery
The work you do isn’t about impressing folks so don’t let perfectionism and imposter syndrome derail you. It’s about the gratification, joy, and fulfillment of doing magnificent work that impacts those in our sphere that matters most.
High Achiever: Don’t Hijack Your Impact by Overperforming
Many high-achieving women miss their mark because they are so focused on their Do that they do not mind their Who. They think by doing and accumulating more achievements that they’re operating in their full brilliance but they’re not because they can’t fully tap into it because they haven’t learned to savor, to pause, to integrate what they’re getting done. There is a better, more spirit-led way
Cultivating Your Leadership Brand
As a leader on the rise or rising, personal branding is important because it is a way for you to establish and consistently reinforce who you are and what you uniquely offer in the workplace. Use my What is Your Leadership Brand assessment to begin to craft a powerful brand that can represent you authentically as a leader.
The Beauty of Savoring Your Successes
The cycles of life are part of many aspects of our lives, including our careers. The season of Autumn is all about receiving and celebrating our growth, achievements, and wins. But as a high achiever, how good are you at taking the time to savor your win? I pray my testimony about my business Elan Image Management inspires you to savor your successes more intentionally.
Lessons From Serena Williams Tennis Retirement
Career Transitions are part of the changing cycles of life. But if the career you’re leaving behind is one you loved it can be very painful. This is tennis star and icon Serena Williams’ testimony as she announces her upcoming retirement in September’s Vogue cover story from a sport that defined her for most of her life. Here are a few lessons we can all take away from her story.
Step into Your Career Transition with Greater Ease
In the in-between timeline that is a transition, you’re typically letting go of something old, and moving forward with something new. Release and shed the old and fully step into the infinite possibilities of the new so you can set yourself up for career success.
A Very Special Offer to Play with a Possibilities Perspective
When we immerse ourselves in environments or experiences that allow us to play with possibility, our perspective expands. We become aware and attune to so much more, which makes more available to us.
Your Intuition is a Superpower
We are each equipped with an intuition that is potent, trustworthy, and aligned with our truth. But it’s our choice to value and leverage it as the superpower it is. What would it look like if you did?